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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam

    new wheels...

    Yup, cal i have uploaded your part file to my web hosting account, and put it onto my web site so contact me if anyones needs it
  2. Knobby of course didnt get your skin, not his fault, maybe you sent it to the wrong place. So shut up!
  3. No problem
  4. Its on the ukdirt site mate
  5. Thats is brillant, good find
  6. Sorted!!!
  7. I was in chat earlier and then its just suddenly dissconnected me and now i cant sign back in? This is what comes up :- * Connecting to irc.chat4all.org (6667) - -irc.chat4all.net- *** Looking up your hostname... - -irc.chat4all.net- *** Found your hostname (cached) - -irc.chat4all.net- *** Checking ident... Nothin else happens. Any ideas
  8. Adam


    Hers's a few that lewis done
  9. Adam

    new wheels...

    # Extract it to your main Ukdirt Banger Folder
  10. Mine just keeps coming up with the troubleshooter and that is all fine :S
  11. Mines the same really bugging me know :@
  12. that one were the man falls into a puddle is the best lmfaro!
  13. My advise is dont use it.........
  14. knew it would be somet simple! game loads up now and comes up with F2 dirt but when I click on single race it comes up with normal nascar heat with all there names on and not the ones on F2. The address for the drivers text i have added to is in this folder C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\efftwo, is this correct? Cheers Riggers Are you saying your drivers text is called 'efftwo'? Erm your drivers text for the F2 game should be in the F2 folder C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtf2 which is located there. Place your driver text in the 'Drivers' notepad in the f2 folder and once entering the game it should work fine. Hope this helps. Any problems Pm me!
  15. If that hasn't sorted it attach the drivers notepad up here! ill try and help out
  16. Adam

    SSc Request

    Thanks Jamesy
  17. Adam

    SSc Request

    Hi, could some kind person please paint me a SSC car. With 868 on the number fin and what ever else you want. Erm...Colours i dont really mind, Chose for me Thanks
  18. Thanks Aussie
  19. yeah maybe Parry did race it on Thursday, but that doesnt mean he has released it... Just wait until he post the template up......He probs spent alot of time on that car.. so he has the right to test it out and release it when ever he wants....i would do the same if i was him.
  20. or jsut do this lol nd ill help
  21. Feel free to add my league www.snbangers.co.uk we run on mondays night
  22. What i done wth mine is this: Plug the web cam into the USB slot, wait a couple of minutes and a new hardware window will come up, insert you disc and then close the disc drive, then it will automactilly install. Once you put the disc in dont click anything. Hope it helps.
  23. Lmao Kane,Should of done the bigger, people might of moaned
  24. i have the sme problem mate
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