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Everything posted by Hair624

  1. cheers mate, will get on the case - routers are pretty inexpensive
  2. Basically we want two pcs rigged up to broadband... I know we could use a router, but my parents would prefer putting a telephone line from my room to the phone line an we share the phone line... will this work? Thanx in Advance
  3. thanks all, looks like i don't av to panic so much anymore!! mum's gunna get gold - which should be 1meg (wll it says on the order thing), should be racing soon - if i can get my jolt money sorted in time
  4. thanks - a bit reassuring! do you use silver, gold or platinum mate?
  5. My parents are being very unrelenting and stubborn, due to a few letterheads for my dad's business and saying that we have to have aol broadband to keep his screenname - can i race online with aol broadband without warping or actually being able to connect to the server host without being discoed. I'm extremely frustrated after all the times they've said yeah yeah we will change ISP to say now no we are not, even I don't ghet a say when I'm paying for half the cost a month... so im asking is it really worth changing to aol broadband to race online or is it pointless, basically if i can't im moving out or gettin my own phone line in my room under my name! Help!!!!
  6. My family should be cancelling our 56k AOL to replace it with another ISP like pipex or blue yonder for broadband but.... My dad has painted business boards for the windows of his car and business cards letter heads etc with his aol email address on it. I didn't know if any of you on here have cancelled an aol subscription and know if its possible to save a screenname for emails. I hope someone can shed some of their knowledge on the situation for me Thanks in Adavance
  7. Hair624


    top quality meeting, ditto about the meeting length - I think the clean up crew need to get their act together a bit - you see one car dragged off and dont see the recovery truck for another 15mins!! WD North - turning point i think was the phenominal performance by lloyd - (god damn rodder! lol), but good performance all round. Shame South performed not so well in the micro bangers like hitting head against a brick wall! Shame I didn't see any of you, had a look after first couple of races, but didnt see anyone . So ended up standin with me dad. anyway bro went off so poor dad woulda bin all alone hal the meeting (not on when he drove me there!)
  8. give one of us a mobile number - last time we never saw ya! lol
  9. cheers to hooty for the wiring diagram on msn! thanks to eveyone whos given their comments n help. its basically done now, til the torrential rain spoilt our fun... turns over, jus need to sort out the ignition switch properly... lol finished off wiv it turnin over n not bein able to stop it!!, we r bypassin summit, but it will all b dun next week in d light!!
  10. We are on the verge of finishing me brothers mk5 tina estate and basically are confused with the wiring would like a fully labelled and detailed diagram, if anyone would be so kind to take their time to help us out t would be greatly appreciated! The car should be raced a 2litre meeting at mildenhall sometime near the summer Cheers Hair
  11. We are on the verge of finishing me brothers mk5 tina estate and basically are confused with the wiring would like a fully labelled and detailed diagram, if anyone would be so kind to take their time to help us out t would be greatly appreciated! The car should be raced a 2litre meeting at mildenhall sometime near the summer Cheers Hair
  12. Still a couple of weeks to go as yet, but just wondering who is or planning to go to arena on the 23rd... ..I'm guessin UK Dirters will be collaborating on the tavern turn as normal? I'll be freshly 18 and probably a mess or still wasted from the night before!! Hopefully See You All There!! Hair
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