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Everything posted by mitch28

  1. wip
  2. Ive not been around or listened to everything that has happend about the hacking. But the evidence that UKDIRT has to back up the hacking??? Did someone not hack into another forum to get this evidence???? but like Knobby said, I dont know the full story so what do i know!
  3. theres loads of websites that you can download music for free, without the use of torrents or programs like limewire...... you just need to look a bit harder. They will never stop it. If they want to stop it totally they will have to get rid of the websites like megaupload and rapidshare which will never happen
  4. car249.zip There you go, on the Westy chassis
  5. Wouldnt mind doing it for you mate any details
  6. bangerskins.cjb.net go to downloads have a few there i wont be lazy, heres the link http://www.btinternet.com/~mitchwilliams/convertors.rar
  7. excellent site, well handy! Mitch
  8. Yes mate, in Lincoln so not far away from the centre of it!! Certainly got the heart going!!! mitch
  9. Looks good mate How did you learn? Did you use any books or anything like that, that you could direct me too? Or was it just practice? Ive got an Iwata HP C Plus and its awesome!
  10. Happy birthday mate
  11. wehey! Welcome back mate mitch
  12. Does anyone know where 14 started? Remember him a few years back starting near the back and coming through with an awesome drive to near the front?
  13. Anyone know how to program in java?? Im in need of some serious help. Its not serious stuff its only basic programming. Theres a drink or 5 for the helpful person. Cheers Mitch
  14. theres the final, what a legend!
  15. awesome model sir
  16. Why didnt i think of setting up a website like this £1,000,000 in about a week!! 50,000 members and the bloke will be on a plane iving it up in the sun i bet!
  17. Think this is what your after?? If you read it, they perform good in the "wet" http://keysan.com/ksumo16.htm
  18. Good video, but my opinion is that looks very dangerous to me! Wouldnt like to be driving on the other side of the road to that!
  19. How do you paint? It all depends on what you wanna paint mate?
  20. Thanks mate. Handy tool. Now can u post up your granny coupe limo skin
  21. mitch28


    No worries mate, no offence taken. From your posts it seemed as if you had downloaded from my site, thats why i posted the message i did Happy skinning Mitch
  22. mitch28


    I created bangerskins website, and i put the wellbent decals up on the site as i made them. download it again mate, if you use photoshop and do not understand how to use layers, and how to use photoshop full stop for that matter you shouldnt be making skins. The wellbent decals have been created as layers. Each decal is a different layer. You expect someone to take the time to make them into layers when you cant be arsed to do them yourself?
  23. Happy birthday mate! Hope your not reading this, n down the pub for your first legal pint! All the best Mitch
  24. Cheers Pedz thats the site i was originally looking for!!
  25. Thanks mate
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