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Everything posted by mitch28

  1. Hi, looking to buy a new fairly high spec computer (looking at just the unit for now nothing else) Need it fairly quick also, im talking about next week or so. Anyone got any good sites, cheapest helpful people etc Cheers Mitch
  2. Fosters for me, or on a night out Amaretto, grenadine and Lime juice (Prob spelt wrong) Anyone else tried it?
  3. under 1800cc coupe
  4. Because they dont! They look rubbish
  5. I wasnt taking the [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b]. I was considering painting the car for you i just didnt understand what you were saying. Goodbye you wont be missed
  6. May i ask why you want 2? Or do you want 1 car with the 2 different cars sign writting? Or are you being greedy?
  7. Wheres Paddy? Garllllllliccccccccccccc Breeeeeeeaddddddddddd
  8. Whaooooooooooooooooaaaa Im tripping! Top find lol!
  9. lol Scrappy, I like your sense of humour, your posts always seem to make me chuckle! Kruiz i strongly suggest you edit your post
  10. Try arial bold for the ab bit. Try arial for the writing. Shudnt be hard
  11. Im not one to chase up Mr Mek, but any news on when the World Cup DVD will be coming through my door?? Cheers Mitch
  12. Seen the film already and its excellent!
  13. Top skins Marcy, Keep erm coming, Nice webpage to! Mitch
  14. Let me guess, Playstation game too explicit? Dont worry bout it Sashjag, most of us are over 18 on here, you should be ok
  15. Thanks mate 1/43 scale models (after getting my ruler out lol) are about 100mm long around 35mm wide. That was measuring a Rover P5. Ive had many a night where i have had to stop from the fumes lol! I know exactly how you feel! Just out of interest, what models did he paint? Matchbox kingsize are 1/32 scale i believe but may be wrong?? I have a few 1/25 scale models, a MK2 Granny and an XJ6 and like you say they are bloody expensive!! Mitch
  16. Wheels have been changed, they used to be on a triumph 2000, and they fit, just!
  17. Bit of cheap harmless advertising Nice model for sale Few more will be put on there soon Mitch Austin Cambridge
  18. mitch28


    Oh i dont know then mate sorry, maybe someone else can help??
  19. mitch28


    Are you using winzip to unzip the file first??
  20. mitch28


    Hope this helps, bona.zip
  21. Instead of asking Sash, because i doubt hes going to look through 500,000 pics just for you when he hasnt got time to put them on his site! Have a look through the website you posted. I have looked through every single one of his banger galleries and if i remember correctly there are a few pics of the first couple of firecrackers on there. Im sure there are a few pics of sss from first firecrackers on there. P.S Before you ask, no i dont know which gallery they were in! Mitch
  22. http://www.speedys-signs.com/ Then go to samples Might help?
  23. Cheers Guys Si... Heres the new skin mate Hack.... There a numberset Bozz created a long time ago now, ive attached them below Mitch car231.zip Bozz_Numbers.zip
  24. Heres your skin mate, Let me know if theres anything up with it car231.zip
  25. Anyone else had this trouble?? My ping isnt high its around 30? Will let me into jolt 2 not jolt 1, Any help appreciated Mitch
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