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Everything posted by Hutch#331

  1. Pusher are you sure it aint the tar car your using for offline on shale, then when you join the server it only lets you use your shale car...... which maybe you havent chosen the correct gearbox for it
  2. Make sure all the driving aids apart from auto clutch are turned off in single player
  3. Classic, lorry drivers thinking where the fook did that car pull out from
  4. Its still got more bugs than kendos bed after the patch tosher
  5. Gaurenteed walkers been on the porn, virused up lol
  6. Yer problay getting warp confused from low fps walker, bell vue seems to be heavy on the fps your pc prob blowing out its arse on the corners
  7. Go to simulation or the one down from that, if its on easy its arcadey aye You need a gamespy account to play online (2 mins to sign up)
  8. Cheers for booking me in for every mod paulp, you fancy racing for me when your at it ?
  9. Using keys here
  10. Wsbk 09 works online nae prob, its the same guys who done mgp08 but without most of the bugs
  11. Keep yourself on gaurd lads with passwords etc another hacker has been rumbled....... some of you may all know him as PAULP, the fatman has found himself life time banned on sim-stox for hacking into a few members private accounts ................... what a SADO !!!!
  12. Wsbk 09 is better free from torrents
  13. Not sure if i like that tosher
  14. Top stuff si
  15. Good tune trav fook knows what that FILTERED you had leech lol A classic
  16. Sounds like graphics murph whip the card out and blow any dust out, and as you say to check the temp its sitting at What card is it ?
  17. Hutch#331


    Whats his limit and what does he need ? has he got a monitor already etc
  18. Hutch#331


    I'm telling you if you want pacman graphics then a 400 quid laptop is the way to go, its not an argument its a fact.................. and if yer 300 quid laptop runs lfs tell your bro to buy that instead of posting pishh If you want to be 'realistic' 400 odd quid will get him a half decent base unit
  19. Hutch#331


    Give us a laugh and screen shot your in game graphics then
  20. Hutch#331


    Hes no chance of running rf or lfs on a laptop for 400 quid unless hes happy with pacman graphics
  21. Do they put the tanks on the nerf to give it some inside wieght ? it seems a dodgy place to put them, we had the tank behind the seat with the harris and forsyth chassis's
  22. Will this run on my pc and what keyboard should i buy ?
  23. That why yer a fat coont
  24. Can i sue dode for copyrights
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