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Posts posted by Tosh924

  1. I think its good to have a roof colour behind as many championships as possible and i do think every championship should have one, This way you can display what you have won and what champion you are. Its good to see the different championship winners on track sporting there wing colours.





    well the voting looks good for a roof to be introduced into the f1 game, for me it would be nice to see another colour as there aint much chance of your avg driver winning the main types.


    get them new cars painted up trav :king:

  2. Any skin painters help me out,

    Whenever i paint a skin white and save it, it turns out a shade of grey??? This only happens when i save it to DDS file any body help me out how to sort this.



    when saving it, make sure its on alpha 1


    DXT1 ARGB 4 bpp | 1 bit alpha



    amazing mate, thanks for the info on the tracks, top quality pictures as well, to think id be going with my dad at that time and you would have been racing around the wall, you probs raced against my uncle at that time to.


    a low grader doing all the tracks is some achievment in my book. :appl:




  4. hi Mav only just seen this.

    Yes i did race at every track in 1996 and got up to yellow top for October i got a plaque and a cheque of £100 from the brisca promotors and £100 from the f2 and a couple of gifts from some fans and had a blast doing it to.

    It started of with me wanting to race at the furthest south track Stday and the furthest north Crimond but then got carried away.

    And just for fun i did the same thing in 1998 racing at all the track plus i did 60 meetings that season only Rob Speak did more not bad for a pish white/yellow top on very limted funds.


    list of tracks i raced at in 1996












    Kings Lynn

    Long Eaton






    St Day







    what was/is the best shale and tar track in your opinion the best to drive at trav?





    Pedz thats shocking copying leech,s car :pokey:


    oh my god are you serious? the only simularity those 2 cars have is the colour, nothing else can people not have same colour cars as others now? 1 races ukdirt 1 doesnt cant see a issue? and i think leech has copied coopers real car not pedzs higman which i guess is where pedz copied it from aswell, tosh your car this year is white and black did you copy that from aub last year? and hutch last f2 i saw you have in rf was all black did you copy that from kendos heat batten? i would assume not on both cases just 1 of those things where 2 cars are same colours doesnt mean anyone copied anyone else, or is it a case of who its done by? :shrug:


    anyway back to what the thread is about very nice skins leech, tosh and jack



    :rofl: dave its just a bit of banter son to hutches thread.;lol



    Well it certainly had the blood pumping, i managed to open up a 3 second lead by halfway, but i was struggling with a set up at 7pm in practice, trying all sorts until i used the crimmond set up and moved the rebounds. the car was a bit loose and had a quick one lapper time and wasnt to consistant, so i just gambled with the set up..


    by lap 17 on the car was loose and the tyres were hot. i was losing a fair bit of time as drumb was in 2nd.

    the last lap drumb was in range. and turn 3 i had to leave the braking deep to avoid a big hit from drumb. on the exit of 4 i was virtually sideways trying to get the power down, snaking down the straight, i had no idea where drumb was until i saw the picture above., chuffed to have won the euro for the 4th time, 3 in f2 and once in rfactor hotrods. seems to be a lucky colours for me.


    heres the new wing ready for monday.





    ps, thanks to all the back markers who moved in that final, awesome job.


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