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Everything posted by freew67

  1. Ok fellas, first off, Im American, and I know nothing about the tracks across the pond. Now with that said Here is the first public sneak peek at Ipsbitch that Ive been working on. And I mean peek!!!
  2. Some cards require 350-400w ps. Then add on cd-roms, fans, hd's, disk drives, etc, it can zap power fairly quickly. So not to worry, I strapped on a 700w ps.
  3. Here lies a little problem with RF right now. A lot of people are in such a big rush to put out something they dont beta test it to work all the bugs out. Not all bugs can be worked out, but at leasts a good college try would find some simple stuff. Hence why we have V1 next week v1.1, next day v1.2, 3 hours later, v2.0...etc... So you have to have the right track, and car to run that server. RFcentral is a good place and RSC for just about all tracks and mods. Thats why you got kicked, just didnt have the right version.
  4. Lost in translation You can filter up top, how many people are in each server, that will put all the servers with people in them, up top/ or bottom. Then go from there. Just have to have the mod they are running. We at NSRS http://nsrs.jawcentra.com are working on a Aussie V8 series. Details should be out this weekend. Everyone is welcome to run... need more info just pm or shoot me an email. Im sure when LPC mod team gets a fwe things done, another RF series will pop up at NSRS.... That what you want?!?!? Also... Hi Sam... now get to work...
  5. www.rfactor.net http://www.rfactorcentral.com/ up top to buy
  6. Aussie V8, ORR, F1 Brisca, F1 2005, SCE .97, COT, Banger, Go-kart, Rallycross, F1 79 beta, Protoracer, H6, 600 Racing Legends, VW Funcup, PCC 05, Legend Cars by Lo, Lawnmower, Sprint cars, Mclaren f1 challenge, v8 buggy, Megane Trophy 2005, Zonda, BMW M3 Cup, Chraftsman Truck Series, and soon to add to my list School Bus Fig 8 thats all...
  7. This birthday you get to go in for a prostate checkup! CONGRATS!
  8. We have a winner! That was fast...
  9. My turn to post what I have... Main RF Comp... Core 2 Duo Extreme, ATI 1900 XT 512 MB PCI-E, 2gb DC DDR2 5300, 400gb HD, 700w ps, 20.1 Samsung monitor, Logitech Z4 speakers, and Momo wheel. Old RF Comp... P4 3.0, ATI 700 XT 256mb PCI, 1.5 GB DDR 400, 500w PS, 40gb/120gb HDs, 15 NEC monitor, Logitech headset (wifes comp, dont want to hear her games). 3rd comp is an old crappy Celeron that will be my TS comp for racing and BF2. So I told my wife to take a pic of me while racing RF, soooooooo, who can guess what track Im at? LPC Members do not answer...
  10. Doing... you mean did...
  11. If you have noticed in the top right corner of www.rfactor.net there is a Racecast link. Whats that? http://racecast.rfactor.net This is def worth checking out if you are still unsure about RF. Does its own states, keeps track of your lap times. Actually, keeps track of everyones. Compare you lap times to everyone else in RF. A very cool addition to RF that most people dont even realize is there.
  12. http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=V8%20Supercars Here is a link to the cars, def a blast to drive. I reccommend at least watching the videos if you dont have Rf or thinking about getting it.
  13. Actually RF has a ton of good features built in for the older PC crowd. You can choose to run in DX 7, 8, 9. That right there helps the older vid cards. Dont have a super computer? Bump down to DX 8, which wont be as graphically demanding. There is also a new function with this patch, auto fps (I think thats the name) When enabled, you set the fps to say, 30. Once the game goes under 30 fps, it starts to change LODs for you. Its trying to keep you at that 30 fps. There are also loads of in game options (hope your sitting): Circuit Detail: low, med, high, full Player Detail: low, med, high, full Opponent Detail: low, med, high, full Texture Detail: low, med, high, full Texture Filter: Bilinear, Trilinear, X2 Anistropic, X4, X8, x16 Special Effects: low, med, high, full Shadows: low, med, high, max Shadow Blur: on, off Those are the main settings, and there are a few more in and out of game. As you can see, you can crank down the eye-candy and still have a decent looking game to play. You just might not have all the extra goodies a high end machine will have. The video I posted was made on a Core 2 Duo Extreme, 2gb ddr2, with an ATI 1900xt 512mb graphics card. But, a few LPC members have computers that Moses brought over on the arch...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnlAFpFjrIY Vid 2, Im learning. Figured this is more geared towards the UK Dirt crowd...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa3Hjyhb7hk This is the first time doing a vid, so bare with me. Track is about 70% done, still plenty to do...
  16. Passed in 94 1st time, I was 16. First suv was a 88 Jeep Cherokee with 168,000 miles on it. Since then: 95 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 5.2L V8 98 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 5.9L I6 turbo diesel 01 Dodge Durango 4x4 4.7L V8 04 Dodge Ram 4x4 Hemi 5.7L V8 05 Dodge Magnum 3.5L V6 05 Jeep Liberty 4x4 2.8L I4 turbo diesel wife: 01 Dodge Stratus, 95 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4 5.2 V8, then both traded in for the Liberty I figured I would post since I havent heard of half the cars you all are talking about
  17. Someone sent me this, and I had to post it. This is nutz! http://nsrs.jawcentral.com/pics/loop.avi Give it a min or 2 to load...
  18. Yup that is a good site, I belong there also. Forget about them sometimes since people add stuff there form time to time. Another one I use is http://www.mayang.com/textures/ These are the type of sites Im looking for. Thanks...
  19. Im on the hunt for some good texture sites. Looking for sites with grass, dirt, tarmac, etc. Tired of using the same old stuff over and over, and Im sure Im overlooking some good sites. I have attempted to make my own, and well, I failed miserably! Im sure all track makers will find these sites useful. You will also get a tax break if you donate textures!
  20. Thanks, Im going to be giving this track a go. Funny thing is, which stage do you make the track? I have pics when they just started running on the grass, where there is some grass, and all dirt. I guess I will flip a coin and see what happens. Heads or Tails? If anyone could find pics of the surrounding area that would be great also. I think I have a good idea of the track, just not whats around it.
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