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Everything posted by freew67

  1. freew67


    Im going to print this and hang it on my fridge. For some reason my wife doesnt think that way...
  2. The track surface at Birm is only 230 polys, just the track. At Sexbierum, the track, pits, infield (minus birms and mounds), and edges around track are a little over 3000 polys. You can have great detail, with not a huge amount of polys. Have to remember on shorties, you draw everything often, and fast. What poly count is your track? Track looks very good, great start!
  3. Nick, Im sure I can save all the photos
  4. If your offline, turn off autopit...
  5. Thank you very much sir...
  6. I feel it will only work with a few selected mods. Marc thats what I was getting at, so many resources out there to improve your work, why not use them?
  7. Ok its just this is last year for the raceway Then you better take a lot of pics, wont get another shot to take them.
  8. Its total garbage. They have less track grip in some sections then we do at Bell. They use standard 2k3 textures of 256x256 and 512x512. The grass texture is probably in 90% of the 2k3 tracks out there. Im usually not one knock anyones hard work, but these guys just seem to not get it. RF offers so much more to the user, that wont tax the average computer. They claim this is for fps, but 2k3 is a dx7 game. It was designed with dx7, so yeah the avg comp today should have no problem running pac man. Hence why Im saying, its not worth the download... just my personal opinion is all...
  9. In due time Im sure we would make as many as possible. Right now, we have plenty to do. It wouldnt hurt to take the photos and store them on a CD. This way when we get around to it, or someone gets around to it, they are ready to go.
  10. Looking for a few F1 photos from Bell also. Same as before, if they are yours, or know who, please send them my way! We are wrapping up Birm this week, and will have one last test before its release.
  11. Dont waste your time downloading...
  12. Daveypoo make sure you save them. I always said would be funny to make Bristol, and then all the Americans go, Whut? This isnt a 1/2 mile? Wheres the banking?
  13. Splinter and Andy thanks for the pics, all of them were perfect. Now we need 1 of a Hotrod!
  14. You are correct, Birm and Bell (almost done), Bradford, Sheffield, are in the works. Hens, Skegs, and Cov are next in line. We are looking for a few pics of F1's and Rods for Birm. We need them for the loading screens. If you took the photo, or can get permission to use the photo, please contact me via pm here. Once we get the loading screens done, a few test sessions and Birm Beta will be next to be released. I have started Skeg but got stuck with the surrounds of the track. I can find plenty of on track shots, but I have no idea whats around the track. If anyone lives near there, or knows where a good source of photos is, please, PLEASE help a brotha out! I might be coming back over in Sept. Which just happens to be the same weekend of World Final and World Masters. I dont think I could make the World Final (unless someone takes me to and from there ) but if I can talk Hooty into the World Masters I might go to that. Northampton would be a possiblity since I will take the pics myself. My batteries died at Cov, so I got a total of 4 pics while I was there... UGH!
  15. Has it been released?
  16. Yeah I put the proper Lat and Long for Sexbierum, and the sun doesnt set that long. Ipswich the lights stay on for a while...
  17. Hey Hooty, please explain my first exp with running Briscas in RF. Its a lot funnier coming from you
  18. freew67


    With a minor gear change, that setup should work for Ips also.
  19. http://www.mkpics.smugmug.com/gallery/3103576#171537874-M-LB That curb seems big to me! For the life of me I cant find a pic of the gate (close enough to actually see it). I remember seeing a pic where there is a gap between the gate and the wall. Before release I tried to get the gate as flush as possible, but once in a blue moon, you could clip it. I tried and tried and never could, Pedz tried and tried and could! lol Dont wall ride right there and you wont have any issues When Rfactor gets rain, all the tracks will get a wet version. Sexbierum, since its a field track, and they tend to round it off by the end of the race, I didnt make it where you will loose to much in the grass, esp since its a field track. This allows you to get pushed high and not loose a ton of ground. Guess its one advantage of a big ole field track. We had some great racs there while testing, and while testing early versions of other dirt mods. Could go 2 and 3 wide, and not even worry about getting pushed off the track. I made Sexy bumpy, and tbh I hated it. Took away from the racing, since you spent most of the time just holding on to your car. Real, sure, fun, not really, at least it wasnt for me. Also remember, Sexbierum was the first real track I have ever made for RF, Ips was number 2, still learning here... Would like to thank everyone for their comments... I understand everyone is just trying help improve what we already have out. Most of these issues we have looked into, some we havent. All this can do is help improve our future tracks.
  20. I presumed the wall riding that Mac mentioned was happening at Ipswich and I also presumed that that was the track Allstar's drawing etc was meant for. Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick. Also I am not saying there shouldn't be posts at tracks like Sheffield, Belle Vue etc because there should as they are there in real life. Sorry if I wasn't specific enough, wasn't criticising your work Free. Marty No worries, I was just making sure we were on the same page is all. I only know of a hand full of tracks, I wasnt sure if there are tar tracks with wires and poles or not. It was more of a question than a comment.. If these were American tracks, I would be more informative... lol
  21. Our idea isnt a big post at the start of the straight. We also are only putting them on the tracks like Bell and Shef. I guess only shale tracks have the post and wire fence? We are trying something different on the tar tracks.
  22. Is that drawing to scale? We are trying that with Bell, see how it goes.
  23. I am not 100% sure, since I dont know full F1 rules (silly American), but flags are really a non issue during a race. Not talking about the basics, but the black, blue, etc, etc. If that is right, just turn off the flags on the server, since there is no point to them. If I remember correctly, thats what we did during testing. This way, fly over the bank, speed in pits, dont matter, the flag wont affect you. Nick, we tried, and it did nothing. Went from 1, 100, 1000, to 10000 and didnt affect the car one bit. Cross your fingers for RF2 I guess. Here is the problem we face, we make it where you can wall ride, then what if you get punted into the wall, hit the section we put in for the riders. The comment on the wall riders, someone said, admins cant always see it, but hey, RF has great replays...
  24. Now if I only knew what "Tosh" meant.... Ips was bascially finished and we looked into the issue. We decided we would work on wall riding with the rest of our tracks. Its an RF problem and not a ton we can do about it. Birm we are trying one way, Bell we are trying another. I figure in a league setting, this wont be an issue. Driver will just get penalized. Please, please post comments and suggestions. Some we have thought of, some we havent. The more information we can gather, the better we can make our tracks. Im sure someo f you dont know what can or can not work in RF. Im sure I dont either! As for Cowdenbeath, I was thinking more Skegness... both tar and shale... Pictures please... I have a few projects I need to finish, then will get started on new stuff. Have to finish the old stuff first.
  25. As for the curb feel to high, thats a little to picky in my book... Just messing with ya, lol The tracks are as accurate as the information available. Unless we get someone to measure the track, we work with what we have. 90% of the tracks in England have very very little information about them. How do they measure them to determine length? Whats the banking? How tall is anything? Proper lap times? Over in the USA, most tracks measure the same way, for NASCAR sanctioning, and usually provide banking and lenghts of turns/straights. I dont want this post to become a "In turn 4 the tree is usually dead, and has been brown for years" post. I do not plan on updating Ipswich (unless I really messed something up), but do appreciate the feedback. Dont take this the wrong way Marc, just dont want this post to get of course. Remember, we do this for free, for fun, and for everyone to enjoy. Pit Paddock, already tried it, and it doesnt work (Ips). With the position of the gate being on the straight, there is no safe way to join the track. Once practice or a race starts there, the gate is shut, so you wouldnt be able to join (real track). I made it where you could join the track, but not enter the pits. If you would be able to enter the pits, then there would be no wall there, and during the race you could get hit into and thru the gate. Just doesnt work. The ai will just merge straight to the racing grove, and if your coming off 4, they will not stop and let you pass. So in order for everyone to get some practice, we pit and park them in the infield. Birm, thats a different story. The true pit gate is in the corner, so it is possible to merge safely while practice is going on. We shoot for real as possible, then when real doesnt work, like Ips, we go for what works best. Trust me, I wanted the Pit Paddock idea to work, just wasnt feasible for this track. I have it all setup back there, just couldnt use it
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