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Everything posted by freew67

  1. Yeah I realise that m8, it's a fantastic NZ track. I was just hinting as to what would make a good fantasy BriSCA track which you could knock up in a couple of weeks If I make a fantasy Brisca track when will I have time for Buxton?
  2. Rikstr no problem, enjoyed making something a little different. Splinter we made it a little bigger so more car classes could race on it. Late Models at Ips and Bell are on the tight side
  3. Yeah, I did one at Standlake, and the tire just goes straight thru the track. We didnt have that problem before.... Im sure we used dif numbers, but I couldnt even get damage. If you have any luck, shoot me a pm, or hit me up on msn please.
  4. Could you copy and paste what you put in the scn file?
  5. The tracks are a group effort, I just happen to post the most about them We TRY to add as much realism as possible. We also, learn as we go. Hence why Belle and Birm are V0.9. Early Ips did have the pits behind the main grandstand, thats where we learned about the 2 sided gate and how the AI didnt like to play nice. Another example, how Andy showed us we can add grooves on a track by track basis. BUT, untill you close the game, it will use that groove for everything you run. We made one for Belle, but the red groove looked funny at Birm, so we didnt add it. That why I said, Im sure someone will prove me wrong on the moveable tires, and please do it soon. Im finishing up Standlake and theres herds of tires to hit there
  6. Yeah the mod team talked about this before we released the track. One of them things we cant win. Moveable tires, car dont go 400 feet in the air (shouldnt be hitting them anyways ) but that allows people to cut the corner. You give people them the option, they will do it. We will always shoot for realism, but also go after whats best to race online. If you want to blame someone, blame Danskin, it was all his idea.
  7. The tires will not cause damage, nor will the car react to you hitting them. So we put them as is. No tires, then people like Hutch will cut each corner to take someone out Its been a while since I tested, but when 1250 came out, Cow and I were attempting to get haybales to work. They would move, but thats about it. We did everything that Pits post said, with 0 luck, we thought hell yeah, something to slow the cars down...umm hey its not working?!?!?!? But hey, I could be wrong, been proven wrong before and this is one thing I would love to be proven wrong on!!! There isnt any way to auto-repo them either. I think once you go to the next session they will be put back, but thats about it.
  8. also could u tell us game settings and try to take a few screen shots. That would help... thanks
  9. Its being made, but not being worked on. You can post that pic, but if I ever get back to making it (I think someone said they would tackle it, hint hint), I will start over. I was just testing some things with that pic.
  10. Yeah, I would like to see it. Hard to find anything wrc in the states.
  11. Yep same one I think Pete. This been posted online anywhere?
  12. Tosh is mine done yet?
  13. http://nsrs.jawcentral.com/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=29
  14. Ill post something when I get home from work...
  15. Aotearoa International Speedway http://kiwidirt.com/news.php Its a fantasy track I threw together in a couple weeks ages ago for the NZ boys. They needed some tracks, so I offered to make a quick one till the real tracks were made. This should work fine with the F1's. Flat wide track that is about a 1/4 mile. Not as fast as Ips, but nice sweeping turns for side by side action. Head over to KDSR to grab the download.
  16. Race-day
  17. Im sure the lofting would work for Heat (I have no idea, never have made anything for Heat), but everything I posted was for Rfactor. Post the same question in one of the Heat forums here, Im sure someone will be able to help you.
  18. I got a couple PM's from folks, so I decided to toss a few things together. This will be long, so get a bag of chips and a drink. What you will need... head on over to RFactors Dev Section and while your there grab a few things. AI waypoint editing tool Public development tools V2 Public development tools V1 with samples gMotor 2.0 MAS Utility V1 has an example of a car and track in max. Who cares about the car, open the track file, take a peek around, hit M, look how the materials are setup. Remember this is 1 section of a track that is full of crap. Prob to much, but they are just showing various objects in the track section. In the dev tools, there are files that need to be dumped into max. coreshaders mas in the hardwareshaders folder, and some plugins. Ok, here is the meat of this post. Frees Tutorial Rar of Fun In this mess, I have provided, 2 dif ways to create a track, 2 dif ways to create the terrain, max gmtimporter and a quick and painless way to do the lighting. Ill give a quick rundown of each file. Terrain_tech.pdf No idea where I got this file, but it shows a quick way to loft a track, then create the terrain around the track. I know some people liked this tutorial, and found it very helpful, I know I beat my head on the desk multiple times trying to get this to work. After finally get this to work, I decided to create my own terrain tut. TerrainTut_1.0.pdf And this would be it. I call it, Terrain for Dummies. I tried to go step by step on how to create a quick and painless terrain around your track. Since 90% of the tracks I do are ovals, and once I get the drivable surface done, this is usually the next step to fill in around the track. I know max can be cornfusing at times, so I added big red arrows pointing to everything you need to click, type, push, or punch. After you create the terrain, you can then cut into the terrain to give it more detail. Lofting Word Doc This is a great lofting doc I found on the RSDG.net website. Naturally when I went to post the link, the site was down, luckily, there are sites out there that store old websites. YEAH! This is one way to create a track. I have created 3 tracks using this tech, and 2 of them have turned out exactly how I wanted. 1 well, I had to start over a few hundred times. Have to learn sometimes the hard way. This is a fairly in-depth document about lofting a track. Tracktutorial.pdf This document came from ISI (I think) or someone with ISI (I think) or Hootys Mother, not sure. I found this at RSC ages ago. This is whats called the "ISI Way" of creating tracks. Now, I have chatted with the guy who made the early tracks for RF, and well he said that was one way he made tracks. It really depended on the type of track, with what tech he would use. Early on, I tested with this, but since I make ovals, this didnt work for me. Now, what this doc is good for, is teaching you how to setup textures in max. Midway thru it shows you a step by step on who what when where how with the textures. That right there makes this a must have pdf for the newbie RF track guys. I still look at it from time to time. Lights.pdf I created this doc a while ago, but never got to finish it. Right now its setup using simed, and never got to add the max part. For max, basically, the x y z is the center point of the light glow. So in the tut where I talk about adding in the x y z, if you dont have simed, just copy and paste out of max. Importgmt2.ms This right here will become your best friend in max. This goes into your C:\3dsmax7\scripts\startup folder. You have to restart max if you install it with it open. Then you can find the tool in Utilities (hammer top right), MAXScript, then the drop down Utilties menu, gmotor 2 importer. This will allow you to import objects into max. All ISI tracks are free game. Set of stands, building, etc, etc, make sure the gmt is in the same location as the texture when you go to import it. If its missing a texture it will let you know. I am still learning as I go. My biggest crutch right now is banking in max. Ive have tried all these tutorials, but never seem to get the banking to work in my favor. I did on Skegness, but the next track it didnt. Got me sometimes, I think max has a mind of its own. Im sure there are more tutorials out there, but these are just a few Ive collected over the years. If you have anything to add, please feel free. I am always up for ways to improve my work. I need a nap now. That is a somewhat quick rundown of whats in the rar. Also, another option is Bobs Track Builder. A great program, that keeps getting better by the day. Well worth the investment if you think you might strugle with max. (which everyone does) BTB Tell Piddy Free sent you. If any of this doesnt work, its Danskins fault...
  19. Zarky, I have a couple decent tutorials I can send your direction. Will yell at ya when I get off work.
  20. I guess Ill stoop to your level to post. Im sorry you suck, and cant drive because its to hard. RF F1's are not easy, require skill, whick I guess your lacking, and take some practice. A lot of people like the challenge of it. You come in to the f1 forum just to stir crap. If you didnt want to cause trouble, you wouldnt have posted at all. Want everyone to say how great it is? See the difference is, if you would actually read the posts on track/car feedback, you would see we are working with UKDirt to improve the mod. THE MOD IS A BETA YOU TOOL! Is it that hard to understand? UKSOM released 1 tar and 1 shale car to get feedback from the people who would mostly use it, UKDIRT. Beta team was a core group of UKD past and present, with a few peeps from across the pond in the states. I could care less how long you been a part of UKD. Was that suppose to impress me? I am spending my free time, creating tracks, for a mod, I have only seen 1 time in person. After going to Cov, dont matter what series or what country your in, short track racing is the same. We have spent the past 2 years creating this. You have no idea the amount of work we have put into this. NO IDEA... So sir, Im sorry, we dont put training wheels on the car for you, but the group as a whole want the mod to be as real as possible. You would rather it be an arcade game, which is fine, but wont happen, so please stay with heat. Have fun, enjoy yourself, while the others are having a ball with RF. SPAM? Thats what your doing, you are spamming the RF F1 forum with your, "long live heat". If you dont want to be part of it fine, then leave the people who enjoy it alone. Is that to much to ask? Ill remember to pack a can of spam for you when I come over... Almost forgot
  21. T-minus 5 days and counting...
  22. Looking good so far, congrats. The pits issue, here is the problem Ive delt with. Ill use Birm as an example. Pit road is not inside the track, nor does it have a proper access road (like yours). We had a wall up where the pits were, where you could drive thru the back, like Belle, but couldnt drive back thru to the pits/garages. Belle I put the pits in the infield, Birm we just left the wall out for now. Hence why those 2 tracks are V0.9. Online, the pits issue is a non-issue, offline its a huge issue. The ai will just keep trying to drive thru the wall, and will just block the track once a few of them try. I had a sim issue with Ips, I wanted the pit area in the correct spot, but the ai would not merge properly. They didnt care who was coming, they would just shoot out of the gate, so I had to move it to the infield. Belle seems to be the best option right now, 40 pit stalls are in a 10 ft area. You cant pit during a real race, so I feel this worked out great, offline and on. If you want to do a Belle type aiw, or just when you get that far, just yell at me on MSN, I will help you out, it was fairly easy after the 57th try... I like the Mildenhall idea also
  23. For those who like Heat better, or think RF isnt as good as everyone else thinks, please, please, STAY PLAYING HEAT! We will have fun without you.
  24. Please Trav, enlighten us with why Heat is better than RF.
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