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Posts posted by theboss

  1. Apart from Hue/Saturation/Lightness, is there amy other way of paitning templates as som e of the templates, when done like this, appear very dull and completely the wrong colour?


    Obviously I would like to keep the detail so just a paint bucket fill won't be any good.


    Any ideas?? :shrug::thumbup:

  2. I have noticed that a few of the ukdirt downloads (and some from the free leaguues) appear as programs in my 'add or remove programs' panel, why is this.


    For instance, UNLIMPart2, BWS8 Modellers meeting are appearing at the mo. Is it save to delete from here or not?

  3. Ok apologies to mitch28, the wellbent decals I was given by somebody on this site (before I knew mitch's site exsisted) were merged down as a background, and not seperate layers.


    Having just downlaoded the decal from mitch's site the decal is as expected, layered, which was my point all along. I knew that the decal would be available in this fomat and that is what I asked for, didn't mean to offend you in any way mitch :shrug:


    And no, I don't expect people to take the time making these decals whilst I sit on my arse, that came out completely wrong lol! :rofl:


    All I meant was that, not being the greatest user of Photoshop or PSP, I would probably spend hours cutting out a merged version (when there is a layered version available) and the end result would be a complete hash of somebody's hard work!


    To say I shouldn't be making skins if I can't cut out dcecals from a merged image (which is basically what your saaying) is a bit silly really, I mean all I did here was ask for a decal, imagine the uproar if I asked someone to do me a skin!!! :scared15: (jokes)


    Anyways, apologies again to mitch (great decal, now I got the right one :thumbup: ) and if asking questions or asking for help isn't allowed here anymore then I won't bother :042:

  4. :banghead2: don't wana be picky but you constantly ask others for stuff that is actually very easy to do


    :banghead2: then i guess take the credit!!!!


    :banghead2: take some time learn your design/skin program (maybe even read the instructions!)


    :banghead2: then .. . . . . . . .. . . :banghead2:





    This is a skinpainting forum for posting QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (isn't it?).


    What credit? The only skins I do are for myself (and barph) I DO NOT OFFER A SKIN PAINTING service, so therefor have nothing to take credit for?


    I am very capable of cutting round a picture, BUT when I know full well that the image is available in a 'layered' version, or with a transparenmt background then I am going to ask aren't I? It makes sense to use a 'proper' version rather than make a hash of somebody else's work!!


    Like I said before, this is a forum for posting questions and answers, if you don't have the answer to a question I ask, then kindly refrain from making a racket!



  5. When painting the wolzy I always end up with some of the template colour (red) showing up on the top of the rear fins, is there a way to get rid of this or is it just a fault with the template?



  6. Well done to 331 Boxer Jack on winning the World Final


    1st - 331 Boxer Jack

    2nd - 158 Shane Davies

    3rd - 188 Matt Fuller


    Sorry but Spedeworth have officially lost it, they have no decent banger drivers left anymore, how can a promotion let another promotions drivers get top 3 in the world final, lol! :shrug:

  7. Best way i find is to create a new folder on your dektop named Converter, put the MKTEX converter into this folder.


    Put your .tga file into the same folder.


    Run the command prompt programme (found in Start - All Programs - Accesories


    Type the following.


    CD Desktop (hit enter, should bring up a new line)


    CD Converter (hit enter, should bring up a new line)


    MKTEX car???.tga car???.tex

    (??? being your number, hit enter and it should work, the command prompt doesnt actually tell u it has worked u need to check in the Converter folder for the .tex file)


    Any probs just add me to messenger theboss295@hotmail.com





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