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Everything posted by walker

  1. wtf is that retard on lmao
  2. Now thats what u call bangers oops mean horse racing
  3. no havent intended in copying BWP LIVE . am considering changing name to RWP instead. as other sites have live at the end like pbp live etc.
  4. Nice car m8 nice render for 1st attempt P.S Dragon what is the address to ur site
  5. LMAO Have to agree with u m8. I started reading this and was like jeesus christ this makes me laugh Well done get me a dvd of ur comedy some time
  6. welcome to the site of RWP LIVE take a look and see what u think of the site. Mainly this site will have pics from cowdenbeath and knockhill and odd meetings down south. And even pics from online racing so if u want pics of ur online racer on the site leave a request on this page ! RWP LIVE
  7. Be good if U could drift a banger round a track
  8. Someone get the toilet paper out
  9. thid dude has some balls
  10. Was typing on the laptop and this white bit came up . any ideas how can get it away or what prob is ???
  11. P.S should get it bk sometime next week
  12. Dell Inspiron MXC061 Intel®Core™2 CPU 1.83 GHz 0.99GB RAM But had to send it back to dell after this freeking thing came up
  13. ok sorted problem now
  14. I have a problem signing into msn . When I go to put @<<< In my msn address it dont work Could any help me with this problem or help me sort it . If u could would be great cheers
  15. spitting ur dummy r marty . need to put it bk in
  16. Heres a question for u england banger fans Who was the only winning less driver at fire cracker . He won races at firecracker III firecracker V firecracker vII
  17. roy keane ryan giggs peter schmichel Is only 3 I can name. Is that correct or half correct
  18. Yes, BT impose download limits on all their broadband packages Im on Bt they say i have a download limit lol but i must exceed it 10 times over and i havent had any calls from them saying anything about the limit i have been with blueyonder for 2 years and have never had a problem with them. Always been good with there service
  19. Cheers for help guys. Really appreciated
  20. i want to race on uk dirt and want to pay my money all in one go . can any contact me on msn or pm how to register etc ryan_walker_567@hotmail.com to let me know cheers
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