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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by Hooty256

  1. This is not necassarily the opinion of everybody that has worked on it. Nope thats why its got my name at the start of the post you lemon. I did ask several people in the early days of RF for help and several who i could mention and won't wern't interested then. and my earlier post should have read '.....that I don't get on with' rather than we...sry for misleading lol
  2. The guys who have been working on it do get on m8.....its the others who just wanna jump on the bandwagon once you've done 90% of the hard work that we dont get on with. SHUT UP CHEWY lol
  3. Happy Birthday Stav Best Wishes 21 is it?
  4. Just a few pics of stuff weve been working on.
  5. RIP Mike Thanx for the Quotes Trash...some classics...i remember the milk jug incident well
  6. i got it
  7. I may well attend... ...u bringing a hamper as usual Mick?
  8. And I thought I was paranoid!
  9.  can anyone translate that for me..i dont understand a word of it... i did get the bottom 2 word of the post No Idea Yoz...i think its Pikey talk m8
  10. Congrats Mr n Mrs Munster, Hope little Hermon is doing ok.
  11. it is indeed port 2001 that needs to be forwarded to the IP of the hosting computer to host a server.
  12. Cheers Guys
  13. RIP Beech. Always fast and worth watching at the Lake. Rod or Wreck. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Hooty and Sasssy
  14. Happy Birthday M8
  15. i ditto everything said above and emphasise that these cowards will do nothing to ruin our country.
  16. Happy Birthday Geert, Hope u have a great day m8
  17. i get that error a lot too and have never been able to cure it...sometimes it will crash 3-4 times in a row then work ok...always gets to that max alloc line and crashes.
  18. Happy Birthday Crewe
  19. u want ports 2001 and 2005 m8 forwarded from ur router to the internal ip of the computer that is hosting Nascar Heat
  20. Hi Minifreak, If u still need help then add me to your msn messenger if u have it...u proberly need to forward a couple of ports from the router to your computer which is hosting the game. ive got the same router.
  21. Happy Birthday J Hooty,Sassy n the gang.
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