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Everything posted by AndyG

  1. AndyG


    Sorry for the constant dumb questions! When I try and register my number (55 in F1s), I get an error message: "Duplicate entry '8-55' for key 1". Does this just mean the number is taken? I don't see it in the grading lists.
  2. AndyG


    Never mind, figured it out thanks - it's another "series" to be selected within the same mod.
  3. AndyG


    Thanks, I did the latter part but didn't even know there was a league version of the mod! It doesn't appear in the downloads section of the UKD site?
  4. AndyG


    Another off topic sorry! I've followed the skin painting guide I think to the letter, but how do I actually see my car in the game? I only have the list of real life shale and tarmac drivers to choose from - I don't see any novice skins or my own?
  5. AndyG


    Off topic, but I'm trying to pay my 15 quid to join yet get nothing or an error message depending on which browser I use, when using the form on the "get racing now" UKDirt page. Is this a known issue?
  6. AndyG


    Just a quick note to say thanks for an awesome job to everybody involved in the latest F1 mod and all the tracks. I've been away for a long time now and I'm blown away by the quality and detail of this work. Plus it's brilliant fun to play. I hope the members appreciate how lucky they are to have all this (and it's free!). I know from experience how much sweat and and how many tears go into creating cars and tracks of this quality, so well done everyone.
  7. Hilarious.
  8. Brilliant work all (?) involved. My only suggestion for the finished version is to improve the night lighting - the real BV usually runs at night of course and very cool stuff can be done with the rFactor night lights.
  9. AndyG

    Car Feedback

    You'll be fine with a half decent joypad (e.g. XBox 360 controller, which works fine on a PC).
  10. Nice to see track makers being so supportive of each other's efforts (Everybody has to start somewhere.)
  11. Awesome! Looks terrific for a first track.
  12. I could be mistaken, but I think the pics you've seen are the tarmac version at night (Brum has very yellow lighting in real life).
  13. Yes you are mistaken. It can go in the track folder and it will be used for that track only, absolutely no impact on a user's existing files. Try it and see
  14. Another superb track, great stuff! My only suggestion is to include a RACEGROOVE.DDS similar to the one I posted elsewhere, the default rFactor one is terrible and really shows the polygon edges badly, especially on a short oval where the groove is so heavy.
  15. Is anybody else gagging to give Brum a try?
  16. Think next gen There's nothing worse imo than a track with lovely track detail and textures, but which has blocky corners where you can see the individual polys, instead of a nice smooth curve. In the grand scheme of things it' a pointless compromise to make, especially with today's graphics cards which can push huge numbers of polys. The material, shader and texture settings have far more of an effect. Just my opinion of course. Nice work on the track so far!
  17. I tend to agree. I think it's dead right that a wild oversteering style should result in performance degrading tyre wear, but as it stands at the moment even a relatively careful technique results in problems before the end of a heat length race.
  18. Excellent work, thanks.
  19. Some Brum pics here you're welcome to use (taken by me): http://www.weboriginals.co.uk/rls/b1/b1.htm
  20. FWIW the track width on the majority of the NASCAR Heat tracks was deliberately made wider than real life to make for better playability online (after early feedback at LE mainly as Mart said). This may well no longer apply as an argument for rFactor (e.g due to better MP code, higher spec machines in general being used, better controllers being used).
  21. A minor thing perhaps, and possibly intentional - this forum isn't visible if you're not logged in, so casual visitors can't see it.
  22. If you did want to go the "fixed" setups root then I believe you can set things up such that players can only change a few things (e.g. steering lock, for pad/wheel differences). Personally though I like the setup flexibility, especially if the faster guys are willing to share theirs.
  23. AndyG


    My IpswichT setup attached. This is for use with an XBox 360 gamepad - it's also important to set up the controller in-game, I'm using defaults except for: Axis sensitivity: 0% on all except for 15% on X (steering) 60% speed sensitive steering Andy_Ipswich_Tar.zip
  24. I've only driven Ipswich tarmac properly so far, and my handling feedback is quite simple: I think it rocks and I wouldn't change a thing What's a good lap time for IpswichT?
  25. Not really a track thing but related - a suggestion for the final mod: open up the track filter some more, it seems a shame not to be able to race on some of the other short ovals available for rF.
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