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Posts posted by pistolpete

  1. Not raced for a couple of weeks and even then i was getting annoyed about being dumped hard into the fence when there wasnt anything riding on it or need to steam into me. Have always tried to race fair, move aside when quicker drivers are coming through and earn their respect that if the time comes they wont be too hard on me if they need to move me off the line.


    As an addition to Aub/Southy/Stumpy, why do some people feel the need to win the race on the first couple of bends with huge hits (i know some will be from a train of cars due to a bunched grid)? Really making me think about how many meetings i do this year and if i join next year.

  2. To let admin know i wont be racing on Monday, something about a wedding anniversary and a hotel or something was mentioned - ah well, better listen to the other half more...


    Good luck to those in the WF and to those in the cons semi.


    May the best man win.

  3. Knew i wasn't on the pace completely so let the fast guys passed and picked up 3 mid-low places, fairly pleased about it considering i didnt get involved/make any incidents!


    Congrats tto Allan on the final win, Stokie for top scoring and Ricky for sheer pace and points.

  4. Only did the W&Y race so might seem a touch harsh.


    Firstly, i thought the rolling lap was 20mph max, being front row outside of yellows - 2thirds down the back straight i was going 25mph and still unable to keep up with the pole yellow, when go was called the second row inside was also past me.


    In the race itself got taken out by someone cutting the corner - what annoyed me more was that no apology was forthcoming in chat afterwards.


    Probably best i wasn't able to do the whole meeting as i might have ended up being warned or banned for bad driving.

  5. Hi all,


    I'm trying to join the server but when i've entered the ip address, it's coming up with "No Games Available" and not listing the UK dirt server.


    Any help would be appreciated. I did reinstall Norton Internet Security 2012 a couple of days ago, but have turned it off to access the server but still no joy.



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