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Everything posted by samson

  1. my pc was in getting viruses removed and multiplayer worked fine before it went into the shop but now it doesn't ive uninstalled nascar and all the patches and mods deleted the hasbro interactive folder rebooted pc and re installed everythin and still nothin. the windows xp firewall is turned off im running zone alarms. i can race offline but cant race online. there is also a few window xp hotfix in my add remove programmes as shown in the attachment below that werent there wen i put pc in to get fixed. any help will be much appretiated
  2. anyone know how close robert 17 was to gunner 658 wen they crossed the line?? where did glenn bell finish??
  3. wow 20 odd views and still no replies hmm
  4. stock rod results anyone know where i could get them from last night or could someone post them up for me ta
  5. cheers mate will give it a go
  6. where can i find this heat.bin?
  7. tried that last night and still never worked i have also uninstalled everythin then re installed it and still nothin plz help me out
  8. cheers guys ill give them a go
  9. rite ppl i cannot get on to multiplayer option on any mod we have or on nascar heat itself i can only get as far as selecting the driver i have all the patches and updates and i have even re installed it the way it says on the uk dirt site can anyone plz help me out on this cheers in advanve all
  10. i know but i hope aldous stuffs honeyman up the wall as i hate him
  11. i would reckon aldous will be up to defend the title and for some payback on a certain 607
  12. anyone know who will be up for it in f2s and saloons??
  13. samson


    yeah eddie and bryan forrest are the only two f2 drivers i speak to and they both sound
  14. samson


    he sure will wen mate trust me he has a wee surprise in store
  15. samson


    he got a tenth in the final i heard
  16. samson


    will be out for the first time at cowdie on saturday
  17. rumour has it that williamson was waiting on purdie to come out?? and also wen williamson bought the ex alexander car he also bought the mechanics
  18. not sure mate all i know is eddie was travelling down last night
  19. arena essex tomorrow?? as eddie 647 is going to be racing tomorrow at arena
  20. aww rite cool where was trevor racing and how did he get on??
  21. eddie is well better than that twat moodie the cheatin FILTERED
  22. on any new drivers or any others makin a return??
  23. anyone know any sites that have been updated with pics from the show??
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