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Everything posted by Harold

  1. Harold 4R booking in
  2. 4R Craig Richards for me please
  3. Harold H599 white booking in!!!
  4. Cancel me please
  5. Thanks wrighty
  6. I can't find the scunthorpe track, is therer somewhere a download or isn't it ready yet.
  7. Booking in!!!
  8. Sorry i had to cancel my booking.
  9. Harold H599 booking in
  10. Sorry had to cancel PC problems
  11. Sorry had to cancel for knockhill
  12. Harold H599 white Booking in
  13. Sorry can't race tonight
  14. Well Done Dazza GREAT
  15. I cannot find the skegness shale track, does anyone know?
  16. When i'm going in server get the message Track Geometry mismatch: will be kicked from race. Does anyone can tell me what that is?
  17. What are fast laptimes here?
  18. Harold H599 booking in!!!
  19. Late booking please!!! Harold H599
  20. Sorry thought that i had a booking, but see now it's not. Is there still yet a possibility to join?
  21. Harold

    July Regrading

    Now the party is over Pusher, serious work begins. Good luck with yellow m8.
  22. Here my new rFactor F2 skins, used DKB for shale and RANDALL for tarmac. Harold H599 Skins_rFactor_F2_Harold_H599.zip
  23. Sorry, got to cancel, had to work. Harold H599
  24. Great evenin lads, enjoy it, going faster every week. Thanks all for nice, fair racing. Harold h599
  25. Harold H599 white, Booking in.
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