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  1. I would say the rest that dont have a team come in the server tonight? and see if there enough for another last team. (if there wont be another team booked in)
  2. Waikato Wanderers - Jake691 JK116 Robin 87 Josh Hampson
  3. Palmerston north panthers Jk116 Jake 691 Robin 87 ???? Last spot will be reserved....
  4. Robin and jk please
  5. JK 116 SS
  6. Name: Robin87 Number: 87 Grade: SS
  7. Well done Dan!!!
  8. JK116
  9. Well done to Danskin for winning the GN Championship! And to Tyler Wilkin for top scoring! Results: Heat 1: 330 98 397 116 848 31 589 691 238 246 211 354 41 338 221 264 237 Heat 2: 43 112 236 87 954 58 667 46 380 599 217 21 84 305 641 180 488 Heat 3: 98 180 236 954 397 237 691 488 31 589 246 21 641 112 79 Heat 4: 87 43 330 211 338 41 116 305 238 380 667 84 58 848 46 599 Consi 1: 84 46 246 667 21 380 58 641 599 589 79 488 238 GN Championship 236 87 41 98 180 305 112 43 380 31 46 84 246 237 691 58 217 488 589 338 238 W & Y 330 954 211 599 848 58 354 237 221 B-Final: 641 380 589 21 238 488 599 79 A-Final: 98 236 330 954 84 58 43 87 180 116 41 31 237 112 397 246 691 667 46 848 338 GN 1: 330 43 954 112 236 84 46 380 98 116 21 338 641 79 GN 2: 488 180 397 87 41 589 238 667 691 31 237 246 599 Points: 44 pts 330 Menace 43 pts 98 Bailey 40 pts 236 DanSkin 36 pts 43 Sije 35 pts 954 Samwit 30 pts 87 Robin H25 22 pts 180 wardieee 22 pts 397 HamsterJnr 17 pts 84 Timm 16 pts 112 Tom D 15 pts 58 minitom 14 pts 488 Dave 14 pts 116 JK 12 pts 589 Stijneman 11 pts 41 Drumbstick 9 pts 380 Liam Powell 9 pts 238 Kane_M 9 pts 691 Jakeeey 8 pts 31 Simon 7 pts 211 Stannie 7 pts 667 Mr Dangerous 7 pts 46 Nezza 6 pts 848 Bullyjnr 6 pts 338 Evnos 5 pts 237 rickyljames 4 pts 641 Mav641 3 pts 305 jakiejnr 1 pts 21 LouisH 1 pts 599 Harold 1 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 481 Mackie D 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 354 Suicide 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne 0 pts 264 imberj The replays are here!
  10. Hello All, Please check if you are in 2 heats please!! All be in chat @ 8:25 Please. We start the evening with a W & Y Race. Heat 1: 79, 481, 848, 211, 221, 237, 330, 31, 264, 98, 116, 238, 246, 338, 397, 589, 41, 691 (Server .48) Steward: Hooty Heat 2: 21, 599, 954, 58, 354, 43, 217, 380, 488, 641, 667, 46, 84, 180, 87, 112, 236, 305 (Server .45) Steward: Stumpy GN Championship Heat 3: 21, 79, 954, 211, 237, 354, 31, 217, 488, 641, 98, 180, 246, 397, 589, 112, 236, 691 (Server .48) Steward: Hooty Heat 4: 481, 599, 848, 58, 221, 330, 43, 264, 380, 667, 46, 84, 116, 238, 338, 41, 87, 305 (Server .45) Steward: Stumpy GN Championship grid IN - OUT 236 - 87 41 - 305 46 - 589 691 - 246 237 - 380 31 - 116 338 - 84 238 - 112 249 - 488 21 - 43 180 -58 221 -217
  11. Bookings Closed!
  12. All updated!!
  13. Please state your name, number and grade
  14. Well Done to Stox246 for winning the English open & Spike and Robin for top scoring! Results: Heat 1: 211 87 238 112 691 79 380 58 488 46 589 180 354 Heat 2: 221 236 397 116 84 246 419 305 237 244 31 329 Heat 3: 380 79 31 354 237 397 238 116 84 46 691 244 305 Heat 4: 221 236 87 180 246 329 211 112 589 58 488 419 A-Final: 246 238 237 221 236 87 488 31 397 380 58 84 589 116 329 112 46 79 354 244 305 180 691 419 GN 1: 112 58 46 87 305 691 589 236 180 246 488 229 84 354 237 397 116 244 31 79 221 380 238 Points: 34 pts 221 Spike 34 pts 87 Robin H25 33 pts 236 Danskin 33 pts 246 Stox 30 pts 238 Kane_M 24 pts 237 Rickyljames 20 pts 112 Tom D 17 pts 397 Hamsterjnr 16 pts 380 Liam Powell 14 pts 79 Weeryan 14 pts 211 Stannie 14 pts 31 Simon 13 pts 58 Minitom 11 pts 691 Jakeeey 10 pts 488 Dave 10 pts 46 Nezza 10 pts 116 JK 9 pts 180 wardieee 9 pts 305 Jakiejnr 8 pts 84 Timm 7 pts 354 Suicide 6 pts 589 Stijneman 5 pts 329 Tsjalle 4 pts 419 F.Burhenne 1 pts 244 krish 0 pts 210 skegTomp 0 pts 481 Mackie D 0 pts 264 imberj 0 pts 667 Mr Dangerous 0 pts 653 Ryan Simpson The replays are here!
  15. Hello and Welcome for tonights meeting @ Coventry for the English Open. Please check if your in two heats for tonight. Heat 1: 79, 481, 58, 211, 354, 31, 380, 488, 46, 116, 180, 238, 589, 87, 112, 691, , (Server .48) Heat 2: 210, 419, 221, 237, 244, 264, 667, 84, 246, 329, 397, 653, 236, 305, , , , (Server .45) Heat 3: 79, 210, 237, 244, 354, 31, 380, 667, 46, 84, 116, 238, 397, 305, 691, , , (Server .48) Heat 4: 419, 481, 58, 211, 221, 264, 488, 180, 246, 329, 589, 653, 87, 112, 236, , , (Server .45)
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