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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Bring back the proper team series in general.
  2. If I dont send a new one please us my extremely old ones from many moons ago haha
  3. I loved it despite a few things but I guess that's racing for ya. Well run and thanks for all the effort put in, it's greatly appreciated.
  4. Lee#531 - White? 186 - George Turricki, ta.
  5. Scalextric cars with paper shells instead of the plastic ones. Remove the magnets from the cars and away you go. Race them on Wednesdays @ Aldershot, in the 'Kiln' which is opposite to the model car club car park
  6. The way I was told by a couple of top skin painters was to make multiple colour layers, then rub it out and smudge it etc in the way you want to get the desired effect. Then merge it all down and add shadows etc.
  7. I'll be there, only just sorted the wheel out.
  8. Mates interested in the bonnet and parcel shelf, how much?
  9. Bit late i guess but can I give it a go please?
  10. ac-photos matt howes the-spectator.piczo.com bangerstuff.piczo.com General facebook accounts.
  11. All them links are blatantly hoaxes..... dont trust them.
  12. Why am I down as no grade for the sim-stox site?
  13. Share the love lads.... http://l33t.razerzone.com/index.php?user_d...a150e7b27a44d1b
  14. more team meetings/team series. They were amazing last year!
  15. Very nice colours on that f1 Tosh, the gold wheels set it off lovely.
  16. It does show you as 9th? Cracking video, superb camera angles. Especially the one on the track surface for turn 1/2
  17. Leek's working on it, been on it for 20+ minutes.
  18. same as me, dont even show here.
  19. Oh the irony is killing me with laughter. Haha. Well Done Drumbstick! Must of been them gloves lol.
  20. Looks good to me. Is it possible for a download version of the original for full "game" quality as we would call it. Loved the camera angles and simple half way listing. Makes you concentrate on the racing more than watch annotations along the bottom. Thanks.
  21. Just installing the new track, sorry.
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