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Everything posted by Lee

  1. To add to that, I just had a look at the prices and the 9800GT seems a similar price (cheaper and more expensive on some) to the 8800GT. Is it better than the 8800 as it seems to have same memory speed etc and cores???? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....s)%20-%20Retail http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....s)%20-%20Retail
  2. im running a 512 8800gt (asus one like hutch listed) runs my rfactor at full blast with only medium shadows and medium effects (find them off-putting on shale) on a 24" monitor at around 200+ fps
  3. Lee


    if they arent released surely that means you shouldnt have them, so why bother asking????
  4. Lee

    Fixture change

    Great call, mint racing round sheffield
  5. Lee


    hell of a lot better leech! best skin yet by far. one thing i would change but this is me, the font on the back saying "car sales" maybe change it to a more smarter rather than bolder one. also on ure ssc u did for dean maybe make the inner glow on the main sponsors on sides same as the top/bottom gradient???? may give it more effect.
  6. Lee


    Epic Sibbs and Lew
  7. Lee


    no need to have a pop either like that, with an ego like that seems to me no wonder ure hated.
  8. Lee


    still looks cack... and on that bombshell i leave you.
  9. Lee


    if the guy doesnt want me putting this up here i will happily get it removed posted it up to see how close it is to the "similar" car I DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE DONE THIS SKIN Edited by request
  10. nothing positive to comment dont at all. end off
  11. Least u can take it properly and fight back, just did what was needed from simstox dutch open. thanks for the meeting
  12. just to say if ukdirt had this done to them why didnt you take them to court and come down on em like a ton of bricks?
  13. Lee


    Nice sibbs, you didnt get the engine back to the original colour though
  14. Great preview as ive said and ill say it again, but onto the main reason why im posting this, whats a good lap time round belle vue???? also is the championchip final a qualify on the night sort of thing or is it as an example the main final???
  15. Not good enough computer spec.
  16. tried entering the i.p in? click the blue box and then type it in there
  17. I think that glitch is similar to the one at N.i.r , am i correct???? cant remember if it has been fixed or not though
  18. Great preview in the midst of the dribble thats being spurted out atm.
  19. Hutch i do feel the need as to that if you are going to talk utter boll0x in this thread please dont comment. Good luck Mc but i do hope you regret the decision and make a u-turn as to come back with us, spoke to you a couple of times and seem to be a really sound bloke and one you can get on with so you will be really missed! Bon voyage.
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