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Everything posted by Lee

  1. thats a mondeo haadee, think they were only approved earlier this year/last year to be used?
  2. Lee


    Awesome car Haadee.
  3. Lee


    Isnt a font mate, looks hand drawn/airbrushed
  4. hey hutch take it you didn't read johno's post at the start of the thread then... Dode you dont belong here, you dont even have rfactor working.
  5. have to agree with hutch if im honest with ya, will still race no matter what as its quality. one suggestion (thats wot this is for) but mainly aimed at driver conduct/hits or however you want to say it. with some of the tracks (nir as an example) you have the kerb, i find it increasingly annoying to get past someone then to find someone go full bore over the kerb and launch themself up the inside of you.
  6. person to beat in 09 shouldnt it be at the bottom kruiz?
  7. Lee


    Yeh, looks really nice haadee... cant remember what you have changed so guess ima have to look at the rfactor site for it
  8. Great Nights racing, well done all involved. Well done Sybe on the 2 final wins and Jimmy for the main "meeting final" win. just to say about how many cars that raced i felt it was too many, maybe 22 at maximum but 27 was meaning there was no space etc whatsoever, also made it harder at times to lap backmarkers or move out the way for being lapped.
  9. Congrats Hutch... running out of space on them cars of yours???? or that transporter still got room
  10. coming from gp2 im sure he will be able to allstar, limited aero aswell to help slipstreaming. ryano was it me and you talking about the boost for f1 next year?
  11. looks good that scrappy there a brands hatch rallycross track and lyden hill (spelling)?
  12. lap downed bit refers to the gn championchip not the final
  13. great race, shame i ran out of fuel and had to pull off lol in both my races where i was top 10 also nice to get reminded of being lap downed twice in one race >.<
  14. they said hes racing 2 of the same. so one on each day... my guess is a roller of some variant
  15. Lee


    wasnt being mouthy, was a joke at the sign...
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