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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Lee

    Rfactor f2s 2nite

    think it was aub who said they wouldnt run it because of real life f2's having already started... or am i getting confused.
  2. Lee

    Rfactor f2s 2nite

    id be up for it if i can sort my wheel out, last night was good.
  3. thats what i meant marten. (stupid me)
  4. Lee

    real life skin

    any pictures marten?
  5. Marten, are they palmers???? (obviously not if you dont know lol) think they are fully known as palmer stocks? solid metal frames etc. used to race them.
  6. sorry to bump this up, got realfeel working and was wondering what settings you are using (hutch and grasser etc) please could you re-upload the screenshots?
  7. hes a mate tosh. then again wasnt much in the way of constructive criticism.
  8. Looks nice Dode, unsure about the right hand side though and the back panel though.
  9. Lee

    Mk2 Escort

    looks like you have chopped the normal mk2 escort to bits.
  10. mouthy. different numbers ffs... you use the same stuff every time. have a bit of variation. (coming from a crap skinpainter)
  11. Lee

    New here

    use the default setups on v1.2 as they are pretty much on the pace.
  12. Lee


    blue colley, looks dire in my opinion as black
  13. just me or are the colours a bit "faded" ?
  14. liking the red wheels on it tosh
  15. headbanger, just wondering why you have that "wee dodes midget services" logo on your aerofoil??? i didnt think it was anything to do with you
  16. Lee


    looks well smart colley.
  17. Great racing lads well done all. Well done on top points scoring tosh. Replay is attached for Tosh (and those who wish to watch the race) lots of action throughout the field and a lot of avoiding pileups on the straights etc for the top 4 lol. anyone for a practice night on thursday next week??? Cowdie_A_Final.zip
  18. Lee531 (cant remember if im booked in or not) in the H24 car
  19. can i ask what exact g25 settings you are running before i give it a try??? im on roughly 300 degrees lock.
  20. grasser, how do i go about installing real-feel? and is it really worth it???
  21. Great interview Hutch and Dazzer. Roll on the new season!
  22. cos it wasnt even funny stig....
  23. your post sounds to me as if u were going to release it as you were impressed with it yourself but reading other peoples comments and views has put you off using it.
  24. Very Very nice... all i hope for is good lod's and a template not made by reedy (no offence to you.)
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