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Everything posted by Lee

  1. I experienced that quite a lot when going into the bends with the other red tops, even the slightest glance would make my car (and theirs half the time) get some airtime and loose complete control, and near enough result in a spinner or a accident behind. Is it also just me or are the little hits when nerfing alongside each other very sensitive, i mean when you touch someone you both spin and cause a blockage behind?? if not its just me i take it. Thanks for the meeting Aub, not very pleased with 9 Points but very happy with the racing i had which more than made up for it. See you all next week.
  2. wow thats a bit gutting isnt it. i would of liked to have seen what my tenner each way on mon mome would of returned... but i may get a bit annoyed.
  3. Going in server now with couple more if anyone interested. Thanks for the packs.
  4. Its not a font, and if you read it he says he didnt paint it.
  5. Got 2nd. up untill fence 25 i had a 1,2,3,4... then my front 2 fell and the other slipped back leaving comply or die to take 2nd. Was bit annoyed really as my "outsider" bet was going to me Mon Mome as i read that it had already ran the national and was coming back from injury, but a bit of "eenie meenie miny mo" soon changed that to silver birch. Better luck next time lol
  6. Thanks for the renders Aub, looks lovely.
  7. *edit to the above* please could you do my veh's dave, as just tried them all in game and they dont appear (tried rebooting and changing things etc)
  8. Here are mine, even put into folder etc for you lee531_ukdirt_skins.zip
  9. Good work Mor, be nice to see you return to the racing Drumb.
  10. lee531 booking please (think i have?)
  11. their cheaper than them gigaworks s750 one's kruiz, just the logitech site i linked you using had different currency. Here they are on amazon, 250 quid. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0006HB...coffeeuk3182-21 also i did a bit of looking around on avforums etc and a few people are selling them for like 120 quid.
  12. They are very good speakers liam, when coupled with a decent sound card aswell, was going to buy them but funds are now short due to something else. When i have enough money i would like to buy these, http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/speakers...24&cl=ca,en But at the moment i find myself using my headset a lot more (more focused that way) so may end up with a new one of them.
  13. Lee

    new skins

    looooooooooool not the wimbeldon ive been to if it is it looks fook all like it ...................... Aub it is rfactor wimbledon, hate to say it but in my eyes its quite poor (compared to cowies other efforts, no remarks there.) I still love the track, just it isnt as accurate as i thought it would of been.
  14. Most of you may think its rubbish, but I like it because it is so unique compared to most "drum and bass" and so called drum and bass songs out there to this date. (Ie Basshunter etc.) Quite catchy aswell.... if you give it a chance. Mistabishi - Printer Jam
  15. tried both firefox and ie? both get the same results?
  16. *edit* dont download as i have done the veh wrong, will spend some time making sure they are correct. f2_red_roof.zip
  17. Personally i found it funnier when Raikkonen (or was it Massa?) locking up the fronts repeatedly under the safety car.
  18. Very nice skins and renders, Dode's and Drumb's look mint.
  19. Oh ok about the wqr points bit, thought i found a loophole in the rules. (no im not a cheat like moodie lol) also some people found out about my joker though before you, something going on?
  20. Each driver has 1 TARMAC JOKER and 1 SHALE JOKER. When playing their joker, the driver is entitled to score double points for that meeting only. - The jokers can be played at any point during the National Series (including shootout rounds). Nobody is allowed to play their joker at the final round of the series (NS Round 30), as this meeting already carries double points. Heats i would of got a total of 10 points Grand final i would of got 10 points? Gn i would of got none. so double my total of 20 and i get 40 points in all due to playing my joker? or have i missed something out.... because if jokers arent allowed at a wqr i would of liked to be told that i cant use one again in the rest of the season rather than find out now lol.
  21. doesnt do that here? comes up with the forum,site then mountain bike stuff.
  22. put part of the sign onto the bonnet.
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