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Everything posted by Lee

  1. book me in..... seeing as i dont know what time the start is i will let whoever is rm tonight know if i can make it or not.
  2. Lee

    new skins

    cant use the new one in ukdirt mod yet. hence why its on old car. (thats a guess that its even for ukdirt bangers)
  3. Lee


    bobbert, they wont work in the ukdirt mod if that is what you are after?
  4. Lee

    new skins

    Thimba Display ssi
  5. Lee

    new skins

    Beautiful, lets hope it goes as good as it looks?
  6. sorry to post again, but can i book in here please?
  7. beaten to it ^^^^ kruiz how much is it again for your setup? in need of one lmao.
  8. http://www.uksom.co.uk/downloads/Mods/f2/F2.Beta2.rar Thats the direct link aswell if it doesnt show still. (no reason for it not to.)
  9. Lee

    new skins

    Drivel would be the stuff you post here on a regular basis Stig. Its also getting a bit tedious with you using the same line "this is why i wont race ukdirt" etc etc.
  10. Lee

    Bilge Alert

    Dont know what it is about it, but that jag looks proper cool.
  11. Great pictures Tosh, keep up the good work.
  12. I get the wheel glitch quite often, not to everybody but only to a few cars aswell. I also find the contact in the servers can vary a lot aswell as dissapearing etc, is that me or the server itself/others????
  13. aub wil that be a league you are racing that in??? could you please pm me the details?
  14. yeh, just i feel trials doesnt take as much skill as it does to manouvre yourself like webby does on his bmx. not taking anything away from trials riding though as i have given it a go myself and it took a long time to lead.
  15. still dont think he is better than mark webb:
  16. aint it the same sort of style of 154 real life car i think it is. Why post all of this to everyone of my skins just because it may be the same colour does not mean ive copied it.... and ive never seen you do anything better TBH.. get over yourself Jeez, chill out. i only made a comment on it asking if its same as daves.
  17. isnt that the same colour scheme etc as daves???
  18. zippy check the sticky thread 2009 banger updates (i think) in banger section.
  19. set the affinity by when running it alt+tab out then ctrl+alt+delete, go processes, find nheat and heat and right click each one and choose set affinity and the core. make sure both are the same though.
  20. sounded a good meeting, well done all winners and mike for top scoring. Any chance you could post up an updated version of the ns points please johno?
  21. looks great. maybe change the font saying brisca f1's though down the side? or make it from a comma to a ' sign (dont know the name lol) lovely colour scheme.
  22. Why are you trying to start an argument? is that what you want? I have seen you repeatedly loose your head in f1's and sworn before going off in a tantrum out of the server. So i feel your a fine one to talk. Anyway this is for baarlo bookings, if you want to say anymore dont refrain from messaging me on msn or pm'ing me when you can discuss something properly not attempting to slag me or make me bite back.
  23. Book me out for both please, someone took offence to some certain language i used on monday.
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