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Everything posted by Lee

  1. theres a door bar on both sides??? Also is there a way of stopping the template getting all shiney like your others? as it ruins the look of the car imo.
  2. Lee

    European Grid!!!

    Take me out the grid please. wont be racing tonight.
  3. Lee

    Nir Late bookings

    me please... aslong as you acknowledge me next time i say i cant get in...
  4. Got quite a few, going to send them away to someone soon mind you, so just pm me in a week or so and ill chuck them to ya. You thinking of making it? or is this for cowie etc?
  5. Lee

    Bilge Alert

    certainly aint bilge Ernie! take it in a few years time that will be yours? or for the track
  6. sorry bout tonight, internets playing up and it keeps shutting down/ping timeouting me.
  7. not sure if ive booked or not, but cancel me incase i have?
  8. turned all graphics down???? also what does it say about processor speed etc when you look in the graphics area
  9. Some brilliant racing due to the new rule we trialled last night, hope it stays is a cert from me. Gratz Daz on the final/heat wins, maybe you wont fight me for the back row of the reds then
  10. Lee


    Could you use my original skins please dave?
  11. Lee


    ask tomd, he seems to go well enough. also whats wrong with your wheel?
  12. Lee

    new skins

    Gets better each time Kane. How long does it take you to do the airbrushing though? as it looks very realistic.
  13. Good racing, even if it was a bit excessive at times, had some good battles with people in certain races. The higlight of it all being me and Kruiz going at it for a few laps constantly swapping places. That to me showed if you give one driver respect he will give it back. Now im not picking you out here from the bunch tom, but i saw you on the first 2 or so laps just going flat out through the back of someone, now i dont know whether you had issued with them people or it was me being a bit over wary but i have also experience some lets say... over excessive contact from you. I am not saying to sort it or anything, just letting you know i wasnt the only one to feel an aftershock or take note of it. As for the hits etc, yes it would be harsh but i feel it needs to be done johno, either that or buckle up on over excessive contact? as i see it happens and nothing gets done. Also i feel you were right in reacting the way you did, im sure many others would aswell, rear wheel shots going into the bend arent exactly the best hit to receive.
  14. if im not booked in can i have one please (lee531)
  15. Lee

    Ftao Lee531

    dont worry mate. i just read what you put in the wrong perspective, my mistake. Sorry.
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