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Everything posted by dean

  1. that site is the tits just what every1 needs . give the boy a brake man thought we was racing online 4 coz of the passion of banger's or just the racing every1 wants to slag eachother off some encuragemnt (cant spell but hay im from the south east) needed ye e made a mistake and e nos it but it was a gd mistake
  2. can u send it to me plz not very artistic would help a lot
  3. what did u do 4 the lighning id that a decal or did u do it urself
  4. can i get a wiring loom made up from any where or do i have to start from scratch i got m first banger race comin soon so lookin 4 some advice
  5. dean


    does any1 have a metro 4 sale needed 4 racing at wimbledon
  6. if i had max i would have a go at doin these car but i aint so i thought i would post them 4 those that have cambridge limo [attachmentid=19152] 1947 Cadillac_Hearse [attachmentid=19153] rolls limo [attachmentid=19154]
  7. this might sound like a stupid question but how can i add different fonts that i have downloaded to paintshop pro
  8. dean

    Rover P5 Coupe

    that car looks the nuts plz post the template up and car file up
  9. lookin on google and found this lil gem dunnno if 1 has ever raced lookes nice tho so thought i post it up 4 all u modle makers would give it a bash myself but cant get a copy of max any where
  10. driven needed better damage and a dd on track and not in a square is still a good game tho
  11. dunno if this is any good but just paint the metro and add it as the invalid in the drivers txt worked 4 me
  12. so y woont u let ppl use it off line or but it off u or sumin what softwear will i need to start maken my own templates?? has any1 got a screen shot of the coupe???
  13. on that note does any1 have the granada coupe limo template and car file ha ha ha ha
  14. how u gettin on wid this
  15. whats the best softwhere to use 4 maken car files 4 the game
  16. wen playin as a metro when a wheel falls off the car wont drive couldnt u do this with a rwd car but the back wheel fall off when it snaps it dnt have to b perfect just somin till nickm gets his game out just a thought
  17. cheers answered my question ha ha so u can stop the cars in the game either has any1 thought of make a simulator
  18. is there a way to get cars to fold up like dis in da game ???? [attachmentid=16901]
  19. wicked pics would love to give maken a track ago but dnno what programs to use and i can just about make my own skins
  20. had any1 thought bout maken an old skool wimbo track from bk in the day when it was mud ???
  21. does any1 have the car file and the template 4 the granada 6 door limo and the template 4 the coupe limo i no people dnt wanna give the coupe out but please b kind
  22. how r u getting on with this been lookin 4ward to smashin it up 4 ages looks wicked
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