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Everything posted by sibbs

  1. sibbs

    new skins

    Comments please, Thanks Doolittle for the rendering help
  2. sibbs

    new skins

    Like i said Jake, looks the tits mate!
  3. sibbs

    new skins

    Looks smart Leech.
  4. sibbs

    Roof Swirl?

    Download it and see
  5. sibbs

    new skins

    Mine for ukdirt 2moz. Comments please
  6. Mondeo would be rated!
  7. Cheers Haadee looks epic!
  8. sibbs

    new skins

    Also agree abit to much on the skin imo.
  9. sibbs

    Bilge Alert

    I done Ringwood saterday night and sounds like i had just as much luck as Courty. First of all the injection pump packed up, then we had a fuel leak. Got it out for the 3rd group of rookies and got flicked into the wall and the end result is badly bruised my foot can't walk on it, but thats what you get for wearing trainers and not boots!
  10. sibbs


    Think he's after a laptop really. Has around 400-450ish.
  11. sibbs


    Thanks, will let him know. What kind of spec would u suggest to run Lfs and Heat?
  12. sibbs


    need at least 500 upwards for a decent pc to run rf without glitches and freezing up Thanks for a sensible reply mate, Will tell him.
  13. sibbs


    Didn't come on here 2 argue. If you can't help then dont bother posting. Simple really aint it.
  14. sibbs


    Funny paid 300 for my laptop and runs lfs fine. He might have more than 400 any suggestions?
  15. sibbs


    Hi lads, iv looked at the other threads about new laptops but none of the links are working so here goes, my brother is looking to get a laptop and wants to be able to run Lfs, Rfactor and Banger heat. He has about £400 to spend could anyone point me in the right direction? Any help appriciated. Cheers Sibbs
  16. sibbs

    new skins

    Nice Snakey, Keep it up mate!
  17. sibbs

    Bilge Alert

    Looks cool Ernie!
  18. sibbs

    new skins

    Newer one from me! Comments please
  19. Thanks for the hard work Kev and you also helped me out a few times, Cheers!
  20. Thats epic mate keep it up!
  21. sibbs


    Seriously just shut up, always the same now with the bitching. How could you be 100% sure its your pic? I bet theres hunders of people that have the same pic sane angle ect. Can't we just get back to what the topics about and stop the bitching?
  22. Mine lol
  23. sibbs


    No probs mate at least you appriciate it
  24. sibbs


    forgot to upload. here it is Cool Render!
  25. Thanks Haadee
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