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About TurtleNZ

  • Birthday 03/12/1995

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  • Country
    New Zealand

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  • MSN
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Auckland, New Zealand
  1. Hey CutforthMotorsports here, just posting to let you know i paid my membership fees Cheers
  2. Here my current NZ Kiwi Superstock car im working on
  3. Unfortunately, the NZ League this year is for Paid UKDirt Members only.... Apologies. Im putting through my payment right now. As i forgot my Website login i had to make a new one, so my Website one is CutforthMotorsports and forum is TurtleNZ EDIT : I have now paid - is someone able to double check that. And is someone able to change my forum name to CutforthMotorsports
  4. Cutforth Motorsports 55r
  5. Milkman 6v TurtleNZ 66r
  6. Would you be able to make a second car for me? No problems if your to busy to. Cheers
  7. Na mate, My mistake for not noticing the dates. Silly Kiwi. Maybe next time, Cheers.
  8. I couldnt be a pain could I and get someone to make me a skin could they since I'm new here and unsure how? If so pm me for details. Would be highly appreciated Cheers, TurtleNZ
  9. Cheers mate much appreciated
  10. Hey Guys, Can I please have your thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Made this but not sure if its good or bad. Cheers, TurtleNZ Sorry bout the small images, dont know how to make them bigger.
  11. Someone wouldn't be able to help me out and point me in the right direction to get the HotRod templates or attach them here for me could they, Much Appreciated, TurtleNZ
  12. Hey guys, Im new to this community, and I've just downloaded most of the tracks from www.ukdirt.co.uk for when I pay and join the server. When I tried going on TerApel in single player, it crashes my rFactor because it says I have a Horizon.GMT mismatch or something similar. Does anyone know how to fix this? It would be much appreciated. Cheers, Kieran Cutforth - TurtleNZ
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