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About Benchambers800

  • Birthday 16/07/1998

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Results: Heat 1: 455 422 800 143 167 114 259 92 90 889 947 589 317 41 Heat 2: 422 461 653 1 599 800 114 589 777 455 152 192 889 317 Heat 3: 317 192 167 92 777 259 422 461 947 152 41 272 184 Heat 4: 114 184 777 90 1 143 92 599 653 192 589 947 272 Heat 5: 455 461 599 184 272 143 1 889 653 12 800 41 259 90 167 A-Final: 272 90 589 455 422 889 92 599 653 800 143 1 461 167 41 317 947 192 777 184 114 259 GN 1: 167 422 1 653 92 90 889 777 800 455 143 192 599 461 272 41 947 184 114 589 317 Points: 44 pts 422 ConnorGL 36 pts 455 Kbarker 32 pts 90 LiamB 28 pts 92 hoggy 26 pts 272 Eavesy 25 pts 1 McFerran 24 pts 167 CB 23 pts 599 Harold 23 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 21 pts 461 Tomdavison 19 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny 19 pts 589 Stijneman 19 pts 777 HGR 18 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 17 pts 143 Cammy 17 pts 800 BenChambers 16 pts 184 Jack Ward 10 pts 192 brian 10 pts 317 JamesF 9 pts 259 Trez 2 pts 947 JDOBBS 1 pts 152 Walton 0 pts 41 Drumbstick The replays are here! Messers: 557
  2. Tonight's meeting format is 3/5ths. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heat 1: 422, 455, 557, 90, 114, 167, 317, 41, 143, 259, 589, 800, 947, 92, 889, server 1 - 34297 (steward 777) Heat 2: 422, 455, 599, 114, 192, 317, 461, 152, 259, 589, 653, 777, 800, 1, 889, server 1 - 34297 (steward 800) Heat 3: 422, 557, 167, 192, 272, 317, 461, 41, 152, 184, 259, 777, 947, 92, server 1 - 34297 (steward 889) Heat 4: 557, 599, 90, 114, 192, 272, 143, 184, 589, 653, 777, 947, 1, 92, server 1 - 34297 (steward 889) Heat 5: 455, 599, 90, 167, 272, 461, 41, 143, 152, 184, 653, 800, 1, 889, server 1 - 34297 (steward 800) Final: Top 22 for heats (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  3. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:30PM
  4. last years please
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