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Everything posted by paulchearman156

  1. i intend too
  2. I'd suggest changing your controls, I think there is a preset for a Thrustmaster on rFactor but may not be 100% for your version of the wheel, just have a play about with it, if push comes to shove just remove all pre-assigned buttons and start fresh with it, good luck :-) took my mate less than 5 minutes to sort it out lmao .......tried it out and works good, need to practise i seem alot slower on the wheel compared to a controller
  3. car boot FILTERED :071:
  4. plugged in a thrustmster st wheel in and only view in car i get is out of the ns window/pillar, any ideas ???
  5. thats nice mav
  6. its a lenovo (ibm) running xp. yeah first thing i checked danny lol and was surprised there wasn't any
  7. hi all, the boys lap top keeps getting a pop up saying " compatibilitycheck.exe" has encountered a problem. anyone any ideas is it a virus or something he has messed with ? cheers paul
  8. merry christmas to everyone .... especially all who put the hard work into the site, looking forward to getting some racing next year paul
  9. anybody got any promoter etc decals?? any any of the stars/flashes used to highlight lettering etc i've trawled through the forum and any i've found have been removed i think cause they don't work thanks in advance paul
  10. sorted now llody, didn't really realize i could swap fins about on upgrades tbh lol
  11. cheers lloydy
  12. just trying to do a mini stox skin, sussed most of it ...... roof fin ! there seems to be 5, do i just pick one if so what about the rest? or do i do all 5 ? cheers paul
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