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Everything posted by EllisR

  1. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 24 984 628 520 48 889 90 114 924 80 58 355 172 Heat 2: 127 628 468 777 910 90 889 984 355 114 139 80 24 Heat 3: 172 659 984 114 924 399 992 80 238 127 461 981 24 Heat 4: 468 238 58 520 172 48 461 910 136 127 981 139 245 A-Final: 520 114 889 172 777 238 910 659 245 984 628 468 127 924 90 355 58 80 461 48 24 992 399 981 GN 1: 172 80 58 910 238 399 468 90 245 889 24 777 127 114 984 461 992 659 520 981 924 355 Points: 40 pts 172 RobertL 34 pts 520 Joey janssen 29 pts 114 DannyRoss 27 pts 238 Kane_M 26 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 24 pts 910 McFerran 22 pts 984 NielsR 22 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 19 pts 777 HGR 17 pts 628 Ross Mclaughlin 16 pts 58 d_dickson 15 pts 659 LeoHeffer 13 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 12 pts 90 LiamB 12 pts 127 Belgian Devil 11 pts 48 Jack Ward 10 pts 24 mozdog 10 pts 399 Joewebbo 8 pts 924 Tosh 6 pts 245 JensonBrickley 4 pts 992 Burnsy 4 pts 461 Tomdavison 2 pts 136 HarryBruce 2 pts 355 Agrindey 0 pts 139 EllieDouglas 0 pts 312 YOUNGK 0 pts 418 donkeyjamie 0 pts 546 ethan howard 0 pts 981 MartinB The replays are here!
  2. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heat 1: 172, 418, 520, 628, 659, 898, 24, 90, 136, 245, 399, 984, 546, 924, 58, 114, 355, 461, 777, 48, 80, 238, 889 server 1 - 32297 ( steward 889 ) Heat 2: 139, 312, 418, 520, 628, 659, 24, 90, 127, 136, 984, 546, 924, 992, 114, 355, 468, 777, 981, 48, 80, 889, 910 server 1 - 32297 ( steward 238 ) Heat 3: 139, 172, 312, 628, 659, 898, 24, 127, 245, 399, 984, 924, 992, 58, 114, 355, 461, 468, 981, 80, 238, 889 server 1 - 32297 ( steward 889 ) Heat 4: 139, 172, 312, 418, 520, 898, 90, 127, 136, 245, 399, 546, 992, 58, 461, 468, 777, 981, 48, 238, 910 server 1 - 32297 ( steward 889 ) A-Final: Top 24 point scorers (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  3. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 7:30PM
  4. 889_RCE2.dds889_TLFS.dds
  5. Same as last year please
  6. We are now collecting skins for the 1st skinpack of the 2024 season, please read all of the below: A FEW SIMPLE RULES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THIS POST BEFORE SENDING ANY FILES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no OTT inlay colours) 2: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 3: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 889_RCE2T for tar and 889_TLFS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 889_RCE2Tblue or 889_RCE2Tyellow etc... If you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way but please state what chassis and surface for each car. 4: SENDING IN FILES - PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FILES VIA THE UPLOAD TOOL ON THE WEBSITE OR UPLOAD TO THIS THREAD. DO NOT PM ME! 5: RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2023 season, let me know on this thread please and I will add them to the pack 6: ROOF GRADES - roof grades are red, blue, yellow and white, no brown, purple or green wings will be excepted! 7: Members are permitted to change chassis TWICE on each surface during the course of the season. After changing the second time they may NOT change again, even if they wish to revert back to the original chassis. I think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if I have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself I can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Any questions regarding any of the above please PM Kane238 or EllisR889 and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR THIS PACK IS FRIDAY 1ST MARCH @ 6PM Skins received so far: 6 39 47 48 58 80 114 127 139 172 183 210 229 236 238 245 312 355 383 399 461 468 520 546 627 628 659 713 777 889 898 910 981 984 992
  7. Here is the official UKDirt 2025 disciplinary thread. DP SYSTEM As a reminder, the ban scheme goes as follows (based on total DP): 5DP or over = 1 meeting ban 7DP or over = 2 meeting ban 9DP or over = 3 meeting ban 11DP or over = 4 meeting ban 13DP or over = 5 meeting ban 15DP or over = 6 meeting ban 17DP or over = 7 meeting ban 19DP or over = 8 meeting ban Etc.. WARNING SYSTEM 2 WARNINGS = 1DP For each warning you get after receiving 2 warnings, you get 1 more disciplinary point per warning. Just like the DP system, the warning will be removed 1 year after it was given out. --------------------------------------------------- 3 Rentek Jnr General Warning (Driving Standards) (09/04/25) --------------------------------------------------- 5 Sworder 14DP to be removed (19/03/25) 8DP to be removed (07/10/25) --------------------------------------------------- 6 Kayyyy Owww 5DP to be removed (21/04/25) 2DP to be removed (09/09/25) 6DP to be removed (30/09/25) --------------------------------------------------- 22 lewisb 2DP to be removed (19/03/25) 3DP to be removed (16/05/25) --------------------------------------------------- 47 Trez 1DP to be removed (07/10/25) --------------------------------------------------- 58 d_dickson 6DP to be removed (27/04/25) 8DP to be removed (22/05/25) 1DP to be removed (19/08/25) --------------------------------------------------- 80 Shay Murphy 5DP to be removed (22/07/25) --------------------------------------------------- 125 ASHNFFC 8DP to be removed (25/03/25) 2DP to be removed (21/04/25) 2DP to be removed (19/08/25) 8DP to be removed (30/09/25) --------------------------------------------------- 136 HarryBruce 8DP to be removed (09/03/25) --------------------------------------------------- 150 HAZARD 3DP to be removed (19/08/25) --------------------------------------------------- 183 Charlie Guinchard General Warning (Driving Standards) (09/04/25) 6DP to be removed (19/08/25) 8DP to be removed (07/10/25) --------------------------------------------------- 210 Davros 30DP to be removed (09/09/25) MAY RETURN RACING IN 2026 -------------------------------------------------- 227 Palijjnr 9DP to be removed (16/05/25) -------------------------------------------------- 238 Kane_M 1DP to be removed (25/03/25) --------------------------------------------------- 245 JensonBrickley 2DP to be removed (21/04/25) -------------------------------------------------- 312 YOUNGK 8DP to be removed 21/04/25) -------------------------------------------------- 463 CharlieS 4DP to be removed (27/04/25) 5DP to be removed (19/08/25) --------------------------------------------------- 468 BraderzzCooper General Warning (Driving Standards) (09/04/25) 4DP to be removed (27/04/25) --------------------------------------------------- 532 Jimbo 1DP to be removed (09/09/25) 4DP to be removed (30/09/25) --------------------------------------------------- 589 Stijneman 1DP to be removed (27/04/25) 2DP to be removed (19/08/25) --------------------------------------------------- 777 HGR 1DP to be removed (09/09/25) --------------------------------------------------- 924 Tosh 3DP to be removed (27/04/25) 2DP to be removed (09/09/25) --------------------------------------------------- 992 Burnsy 9DP to be removed (25/03/25) 4DP to be removed (01/05/25) --------------------------------------------------
  8. Thanks to all who raced. Well done to all race winners. Results: National Championship: 147 80 889 468 259 589 984 92 84 418 399 139 6 Heat 1: 80 259 889 92 468 589 984 84 6 4 399 418 147 139 Heat 2: 468 889 147 4 92 984 259 418 80 589 84 6 399 139 Heat 3: 4 418 259 468 889 92 80 84 399 147 139 6 589 984 A-Final: 468 92 147 259 589 84 889 984 418 80 4 6 399 139 GN 1: 147 259 80 92 984 889 84 589 399 468* 4 Points: 45 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 44 pts 259 Trez 43 pts 92 hoggy 36 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 35 pts 147 MarkF 26 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 21 pts 984 NielsR 21 pts 589 Stijneman 20 pts 84 Timm 18 pts 4 OwenStrong 16 pts 418 donkeyjamie 4 pts 399 Joewebbo 2 pts 6 Kayyyy Owwww 0 pts 139 EllieDouglas The replays are here!
  9. Tonight's meeting format. Tonight we race for the F2 National Championship. This will be a 20 lap race with a random grid. We will then have 3 heats each a Final and also a Grand National. F2 National Championship: ALL IN (Server 1) Heats: ALL IN (Server 1) Final: ALL IN (Server 1) GN: ALL IN (Server 1) Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  10. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 19:30.
  11. Thanks all for racing tonight. Results: Heat 1: 259 924 317 92 147 114 84 1 889 340 546 589 399 468 80 139 418 184 494 Heat 2: 259 147 468 494 92 317 889 114 924 1 84 589 139 184 80 340 418 546 399 Heat 3: 259 889 114 484 84 1 924 147 340 92 317 589 80 546 494 139 418 468 399 A-Final: 1 259 92 889 80 184 147 317 399 340 114 418 589 546 139 84 494 468 924 GN: 92 259 114 147 589 184 468 84 1* 889 80 546 340 317 139 924 399 494 Points: 57 pts 259 Trez 40 pts 92 hoggy 33 pts 147 MarkF 33 pts 1 Kane_M 30 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 24 pts 114 DannyRoss 22 pts 184 Jack Ward 19 pts 317 JamesF 15 pts 924 Tosh 13 pts 84 Timm 12 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 12 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 7 pts 484 Nutta 6 pts 589 Stijneman 5 pts 340 reecemcintosh 4 pts 399 Joewebbo 0 pts 139 EllieDouglas 0 pts 418 donkeyjamie 0 pts 546 ethan howard The replays are here!
  12. Tonight's meeting format. Heats 1-3: ALL IN A Final: ALL IN GN: ALL IN Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  13. NO THIRD PARTY BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED... THIS MEANS YOU CAN ONLY BOOK IN/OUT YOURSELF! State... Name: Number: Grade: Late bookings close at 19:30
  14. Thanks to everyone who raced tonight! Results: Heat 1: 889 399 4 355 153 418 114 Heat 2: 889 4 153 418 355 114 399 Heat 3: 153 355 418 4 399 889 114 Heat 4: 889 153 114 418 4 399 355 A-Final: 889 4 399 418 153 355 114 Allcomers: 889 355 4 418 114 399 153 Points: 65 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 56 pts 4 OwenStrong 49 pts 153 AJHenson 48 pts 418 donkeyjamie 45 pts 399 Joewebbo 45 pts 355 Agrindey 35 pts 114 DannyRoss The Replays Are Here!
  15. Tonight's meeting will be held at Hednesford! We currently have 7 drivers booked and will be running all in! Please be in Discord at 8.20 for a prompt start straight away! Please check you are in 4 heats each... Heats: ALL IN (server 3) A-Final: ALL IN (server 3) There will be enough Allcomers for everyone. Important Rules- - Roll at 20mph and wait until GO is called - Excessive lap down attacks will be punished - No waiting for drivers - Deliberately right turning or leaning another car to the infield is not allowed, i.e. turning into a car forcing them to hit an object/wall/tyre on the infield. - The rest of the rules are on the UKDirt website which must be read before the meeting Meeting Information: Heats 1-4 (16 laps) A-Final (20 laps) Allcomers (12 laps)
  16. Any Late Bookings for tonight's meeting, 26/04/23 Hednesford, please post below. Late Bookings close at 8:20pm.
  17. Thanks to all for racing tonight. Well done to all winners Results: Heat 1: 984 889 114 183 80 147 4 184 259 418 84 589 340 461 399 5 484 92 Heat 2: 80 92 984 114 889 259 184 4 183 418 5 340 84 484 399 589 461 147 Heat 3: 889 80 114 92 183 461 184 484 418 340 5 984 4 259 589 147 399 84 A-Final: 461 889 399 92 984 183 184 80 259 147 4 5 589 114 84 484 418 340 GN 1: 4 114 184 183 80 92 147 889 984 589 340 399 461 484 5 84 418 259 Points: 46 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 37 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 35 pts 92 hoggy 32 pts 984 NielsR 32 pts 114 DannyRoss 32 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 27 pts 184 Jack Ward 25 pts 461 Tomdavison 17 pts 4 OwenStrong 16 pts 399 Joewebbo 11 pts 147 MarkF 11 pts 259 Trez 4 pts 418 donkeyjamie 3 pts 484 Nutta 1 pts 340 reecemcintosh 1 pts 589 Stijneman 0 pts 5 Sworder 0 pts 84 Timm The replays are here! Messers 152 Walton
  18. Tonight's meeting format. Heats 1-3: ALL IN A Final: ALL IN GN: ALL IN Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
  20. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 814 1 92 461 546 710 355 152 924 84 248 340 599 259 139 Heat 2: 183 184 147 80 889 777 589 24 399 622 114 418 747 484 3 Heat 3: 461 114 184 84 147 599 259 814 24 747 340 418 139 1 Heat 4: 777 355 92 183 710 589 399 889 924 80 248 3 546 484 622 Heat 5: 1 80 248 184 114 340 589 92 622 599 418 546 484 139 Heat 6: 710 814 183 461 889 84 147 259 24 3 355 924 777 399 747 B-Final: 747 484 622 418 139 3 A-Final: 183 92 355 889 340 80 184 1 248 114 147 924 461 259 84 814 589 546 710 777 24 599 399 GN 1: 92 589 84 461 259 1 340 546 710 924 599 814 248 GN 2: 24 184 147 777 889 114 399 484 80 747 418 183 Points: 47 pts 92 hoggy 45 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 41 pts 184 Jack Ward 35 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 31 pts 461 Tomdavison 30 pts 1 Kane_M 29 pts 355 Agrindey 29 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 26 pts 147 MarkF 23 pts 710 Davidjones 22 pts 814 sbovee 22 pts 114 DannyRoss 22 pts 589 Stijneman 22 pts 777 HGR 21 pts 340 reecemcintosh 21 pts 84 Timm 17 pts 24 mozdog 13 pts 259 Trez 12 pts 248 WHR 10 pts 399 Joewebbo 9 pts 546 ethan howard 6 pts 599 Harold 5 pts 924 Tosh 3 pts 484 Nutta 3 pts 622 Johandehaan 3 pts 152 Walton 2 pts 747 JayJay 1 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 0 pts 139 EllieDouglas 0 pts 418 donkeyjamie The replays are here!
  21. Tonight's meeting format. You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F2 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats. Heat 1: 139, 248, 340, 546, 710, 814, 84, 152, 355, 599, 924, 259, 461, 1, 92, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 1 ) Heat 2: 24, 399, 418, 484, 747, 3, 622, 114, 147, 183, 589, 80, 184, 777, 889, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 889 ) Heat 3: 24, 139, 340, 418, 747, 814, 84, 114, 147, 152, 599, 184, 259, 461, 1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 1 ) Heat 4: 248, 399, 484, 546, 710, 3, 622, 183, 355, 589, 924, 80, 777, 92, 889, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 889 ) Heat 5: 139, 248, 340, 418, 484, 546, 622, 114, 152, 589, 599, 80, 184, 1, 92 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 1 - 34297 ( steward 1 ) Heat 6: 24, 399, 710, 747, 814, 3, 84, 147, 183, 355, 924, 259, 461, 777, 889, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , server 2 - 34298 ( steward 889 ) A-Final: Top 24 point scorers (Server 1) There will be enough GN's for everyone. Please ensure that your registered UK Dirt F2 racing number is in your rFactor player name, be warned if it isn't you could miss out on your points being counted. Please meet in discord race meeting lobby at 20:20 for a prompt start to the meeting!
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