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Everything posted by lloydy89

  1. well done dan on your euro win! I believe you hold the 4 major titles at the minute, some going that My euro challenge ended when getting spun on the 3rd lap, starting at the front was no fun. fence bound straight away lol! really enjoyed the meeting apart from some dodgy driving by lapped cars in the final! decent points haul again and was denied a hat trick of heat wins by a big last bend lunge from jakejnr, was a decent hit that. cheers for the meeting admins! roll on the semi finals!! lloydy
  2. cheers for the meeting admins! brilliant nights racing, had some really good battles! thought id be well off the pace after doing practice but race pace turned out to be good! chuffed to have qualified for euros! apologies to dode if you thought that last bender in gn was ott. From my point of view it was no worse than the many ive received this season. Im sure ill get some payback as that's stock car racing. lloydy
  3. ive just had my first practice around there and managed to get a 13.7. judging by my pace on tar this season i reckon the fast guys will be doin 13.5 ish. hope this helps lloydy!
  4. lloydy89


    not too far off the pace then, bit more setup tweaking and practice and might be on it! cheers for the reply FT!
  5. lloydy89


    Evening guys! was wondering what sort of lap times people have been getting in practice? so far quickest ive done is 13.8 and been doing 14.0/.1 consistently. lloydy
  6. thanks for the meeting admins! my best meeting so far in terms of points. really enjoyed the racing, had decent battles in every race. Got decent finishes in heats, the highlight then being my first ever win and a final at that! really enjoying my first season so far and hope to continue to do so. lloydy
  7. name; pinken number; 43 grade; yellow just to make sure
  8. Well done Dan! really enjoyed tonight's meeting even after a poor finish in the final, tbh didn't expect much starting in the middle of the chaos lol! had some brilliant battles in the heats. good racing with some big but fair hits along the way thanks for meeting admins and stewards! lloydy
  9. another top meeting admins! thanks again! Bit of a mixed meeting for myself, after practice and the w&y race i felt i could come away with a decent points haul but lady luck just didn't seem to be on my side when i was going well! Certainly enjoyed the challenge of starting from yellow though! roll on next week lloydy
  10. thanks for a top meeting dan and stewards! really chuffed with points i got tonight, wasnt expecting many tbh. enjoyed some really good clean racing tonight aswell lloydy
  11. please ignore the last ones! been tinkering some more loll! just cant seem to settle with something im happy with! 43_shaleskins.zip 43_tarskins.zip
  12. new skins! didn't really like the first ones! 43_tarskins.zip 43_shaleskins.zip
  13. late booking for thebagoo no384. he's asked me to book him in if that's ok. cheers lloydy!
  14. Late booking please. No 43 Cheers, Lloydy!
  15. Evening guys, running late at work so I might not be home in time for first race but will be able to do rest of meeting! Hope this isn't a problem. Cheers lloydy
  16. my skins for this season! matt lloyd 43 43shaleskins.zip 43tarskins.zip
  17. Hi all, just wondering if any one has any spare time if they wouldnt mind painting me a tarmac f1 skin. Ill PM the details to annyone that offers. Cheers lloydy
  18. If any one does have one if u wouldnt mind posting it up that would be great, thanks.
  19. Thanks any hu.
  20. Sorry lads, actually forgot i posted this up, duh. only just joined so kindda getting used to it lol
  21. Does any one have a rapid orange logo like the one wainmann used to have??
  22. Any one no why the downloads are not working on the uk dirt website. And how long will it be till there working???
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