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    United Kingdom
  1. 20UKD961_SparkyS.zip 20UKD961_SparkyT.zip
  2. UKD96_SparkyS.zip ** Received **
  3. UKD96_Sparky.zip ** Received **
  4. 20UKD961_SparkyS.zip 20UKD961_SparkyT.zip
  5. 961 Sparky Mark McCabe yellow
  6. You’ve got 910 listed twice in heat two mate. I was 10th behind 910 in 9th.
  7. As the title says. Does anybody have the old tracks etc for the old DTRSC game? Have an urge to get all nostalgic and play the old game. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Sparky
  8. 31P Andy McCabe please
  9. Shale Car chassis change to Randall 08. 12UKD961_SparkySSkins.zip
  10. Managed to get down to a 14.304 now, slowly making progress
  11. Be embarrassed Allan cos I managed 14.389 in 15 laps lol. car feels like theres alot more to squeeze out though.
  12. Thanks for the reply Dan. Should be interesting on thursday round there. cheers sparky
  13. Hi guys. Download doesnt seem to be working on the site. Would anyone be so kind as to upload it onto here or a link to an alternative download. Cheers in advance. Sparky
  14. Allan 964 Tar ** Received ** 964_AllanSkins.zip
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