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Everything posted by Tombo209

  1. I have put on ebay 2 quick release steerings wheel that i have used in my ministox's in the past. Quick release steering wheel 1. Quick release steering wheel 2.
  2. Because your trying to find the fact that your also obssesed with sod?
  3. I thought that was going ringwood?
  4. Happy birthday mek.
  5. Now we got that rodder all we need is arly for the amble.
  6. I thought you was a spedeworth fan.
  7. Tombo209


    Im not sure where im going wrong but im still getting the white dots. Heres cab's skins if he still wants them. 226Shale.zip 226Tar.zip
  8. Tombo209


    Doh didnt realise that. Got a new problem with cabs skin, did anyone find out an answer for the black disapearing on skins as its happend to me now. Btw i based the coulors on dales mini cabs.
  9. Tombo209


    I'll do it cabs. Just need someone to convert.
  10. Tombo209


    Heres my shale car, thanks tads for converting. 509s.zip
  11. Lmao that came as a shock when you added me rikard.
  12. Tombo209

    My skin

    I have spent half the day painting my f1 shale car for rfactor, saved it corectly etc, and ive just gone to open it to finish it off and it is saying, It is not compatible to open with this version of photoshop, but i have'nt got an other version of photoshop? anyone got anyideas.
  13. I just tryed searching jolts ip just to have a play around and this came up.
  14. Thats where i saw em' cheers.
  15. Has the templates been realesed or was i dreaming when i thought i saw them.
  16. Tombo209


    Cheers lads.
  17. Lool marc, have seen the gym's been going well then.
  18. Cheers mate.
  19. Im not quite sure how to search for an ip on rfactor, were can i copy and paste the ip to, or do i just look down the list of servers. Thanks tom
  20. Cheers lads. If there is a ip given out where do i put it to join in the game, or do i just look on the list. Cheers tom.
  21. Jamesy chop the front bumper off mate it makes the front alot weaker and just makes a mess, look at all the top rdc/pri boys they dont run the front bumper either.
  22. Here
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