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Everything posted by Tombo209

  1. Leeve the mk1 steering wheel on, less chance of braking our online thumbs.
  2. Lmao always check theres soming you dont want others to see....
  3. Fathers day i think not sure though,i read on play.com it was on sunday or monday?
  4. Played the demo and prefered Colin Mcrea dirt so going to wait for that to be realeased.
  6. LMAOO.
  7. Tombo209


    Why the hell do you keep bringiing up old threads!
  8. Jamesy the cars heavy but your lifting the car in the middle so that leaves the engine weight to go down, if you lift them nearer the front doors it will be better to lift, well thats what i got taught how to lift when doing stuff down my dads yard on the forklift, but there forklift is 4 tonne lool.
  9. Whats them lil water sprinklers on the front about, to detects speed bumps or curbs or summat?
  10. Wake up boy!
  11. Just put a set of doors with glass and a bonnet and boot. Here
  12. Type in e.g your user name Tombo509 and it will come up with every site/forum you've signed up to.
  13. Stockcar racing is magic.
  14. They spend hundreds on gas and mig wire.
  15. See you all at mildo sat.
  16. Heres my new one.
  17. Happy b'day cal.
  18. Just downloaded colin mcrea dirt, the graphics are amazing, cant wait for the full version to be realeased.
  19. Every time ive watched the saloons at mildo there had been a run in up the fene and into a rsg, i thought this kinda thing would be fully aceptable because there FULL contact unlike the ftooz.
  20. Lool my dads told me about him too, its good looking through the old blitz mags see'ing the old names on form like sean abra etc.
  21. Your dad is Kev Waller I assume? I remember him racing, His consuls at Mildo pre 68's stick in my memory, I enjoyed watching him Yere nick, he love'd a consul. Ill get him back out one day.
  22. Not all hearses can be blown up easy though, ive seen a few ds420 hearse were people gone to give it the big'un and just hit the rear end of the chassis, but some hearses do blow up easy, its were you hit it and what angle.
  23. lmao watched it this morning, i had one similar to that of postman pat on my old phone.
  24. I use 509 because my dads arena banger number was 209 for years, and being registered with pri ministox you have to have a 500 number, i am also 109 at spedeworth and 390 at rdc, my dad used to race at braintree too under number 491 and others but cant member them, i dont remember much about braintree as i was only young when my dad was racing every week, when i go into bangers next year im going to carry on with the number 209 hopefully and also use it in a lightning rod or what eva i choose in a years time.
  25. Followins are dangerous at post and rope tracks like wimbledon and yarmouth, only because the wire and posts snaps the cars and folds it, followins at arena can be banned but not as bad as wimbo because even if you dont get some one in square at wimbo there still gonna snap on impact on a post, if you dont get some one in square at arena all you will do is slap the fence and put a wheel back.. Ive got to agree that the old days the race engine's wernt as common as they are now so the hits are going to get faster and harder. The follow in at wimbo world with the bluey and the jag was a bit OTT, all you have to do is think with your head wether it will turn into a nasty 1 or not.
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