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Everything posted by Tricky88

  1. under 3 days to go
  2. under 3 days to go
  3. Teams left to manage only three left now Middlesborough Hull Stoke
  4. I only joind a month ago m8 and took over the league which was already under way ... ready to start from scratch next year
  5. when you take Hull m8 ?
  6. Teams left to manage only six left Everton Fulham Bolton Middlesborough Hull Stoke
  7. Teams left to manage Everton Blackburn Fulham Wigan Bolton Middlesborough Hull Stoke
  8. Teams left to man Everton Blackburn Fulham Wigan Bolton Middlesborough Newcastle Hull Stoke
  9. Teams left to manage Chelsea Everton Blackburn West Ham Fulham Wigan Sunderland Bolton Middlesborough Newcastle Hull Stoke
  10. tottenham has gone m8 Teams left to manage Chelsea Everton Blackburn West Ham Fulham Wigan Sunderland Bolton Middlesborough Newcastle Hull Stoke WBA
  11. this is how Walker got in from the link Mav When I got the email I copy and pasted the activation link into address bar then it took me to a screen where you log in and you get a choices of leagues to choose you want to join (one league you can only join ?) then you click the choice of league you want then you choose a team you want to manage then thats you sorted
  12. that email should take you straight to the league m8
  13. Teams left to manage Chelsea Tottenham Everton Blackburn West Ham Fulham Wigan Sunderland Bolton Middlesborough Newcastle Hull Stoke WBA
  14. did you get email m8 ?
  15. pm me with youre email address and ill send you a direct invite
  16. The league is named ukdirt premier league
  17. i have taken over the running of a league in the game online football manager and would like some of those who used to play xpert to join me here is the league link http://www.onlinefootballmanager.co.uk/inf...errer=aussie306 it is run based on real teams and players but you can get involved in the running of the whole club . Come and have a go
  18. Have a great day m8
  19. Excellent m8 john loves his titanic ones at work
  20. 3 days left
  21. Im selling a dvd bundle on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250334819744
  22. Im seling a bundle of Short Circuit Magazines and Other items on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250334800437
  23. lol thanks m8 , i normally do use pics but camera's bust lol
  24. im hoping it goes for £300 ish m8 seems to be what there going for on ebay roughly with 9 games etc
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