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Everything posted by Tricky88

  1. I am selling my Playstation 3 with nine games if your interested the ebay sale is here - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=250330792430
  2. Heres the ones ive found so far http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VOuqULVz5Zg http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F...31ccb0548250c26 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F...31ccb0548250c26 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F...31ccb0548250c26
  3. If you had the choice to be in a room with Patrick or Zombie Davina who would you choose ? ..... Thats right Zombie Davina that Patrick is a complete arse .
  4. was most haunted any good tonite i havent got sky anymore
  5. Nice one bro is that going to be on tv ? I never knew you could get a buzz from selling oil pmsl, Thats the most work i ever seen ya do lol. You could of had one of are national hotrod shirts on lol got abit of sponsership. no m8 that being show at schools and colleges and was shown at the motorshow at the nec lol
  6. Here is me making my tv debut lol http://autocity.org.uk/showjob.php?jobname...srepresentative
  7. my newbie
  8. That cant be action from last nite ..... im facing the right way lol
  9. My new one from last night at cowdie
  10. looking for anyone interested in running there own speedway team a place has come avalible in the sim league .... let me know if interested
  11. Would you like to put that a different way m8 lol nice pics m8..... looking good bruv all you need is some luck now m8
  12. Here is the report from our local news after the world final http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7630286.stm
  13. thats what i was gonna ask .... wonder what im getting for xmas this year? lol
  14. My new hotrod
  15. Thats how i bust the last laptop wasnt to bad when i sprayed the screen but sanding it down didnt help
  16. Bless him he signs a few cars and now hes Leanardo Da Vinci lol ( only joking ) it is my first car for months ( thats my excuse ) Next time can i use youre vinyl machine
  17. I use psp7 and the only time i really wanted photoshop was the new legend templates but im in the process of sorting that
  18. Here you go m8 http://www.sim-stox.batsquad.co.uk/phpBB3/...p?f=8&t=571
  19. I can now open the psd in psp but i cant paint onto the layers any ideas ?
  20. Have a great day m8.... god it only seems like a year ago we were last doing this
  21. whats a torrent m8 lol
  22. oh well i wont be painting them then seems daft to me
  23. thanks guys ... i used to have photo shop to but i like wrighty lost it when comp went and only have psp now
  24. has anyone opened these in psp
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