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Everything posted by tilly

  1. i ment as in ukdirt lol with bangers and hotrods ect
  2. hi, just wondering if there is any new R-factor news as we havent heared much lately so any new news for us to hear?
  3. nice skin do u have a pic of real thing plz?
  4. they want tex 2 tga not other way around lol
  5. were abouts do u race take it its noncontact lool
  6. well i wouldnt fancy a crash in a car built like that
  7. lmao well ur braver than me erik
  8. ok isit me or has ur mini snapped?
  9. nice attempt spose
  10. erik........... how much are they paying you?
  11. shame minimack isnt around he wud no wat to do lool
  12. y dont u just ask rodder nicely if he can find out?
  13. tilly


    interesting paintwork nice render
  14. Looks well good for 1st attempt so can only get better
  15. That looks really nice m8 the blue and black go together really well
  16. tilly


    nice looking render like the visor on helmet stood out to me
  17. tilly


    nice renders cal....contructive critism here if i spelt that rite propa didnt but on the moving imagefor the wheels if u give them a radial blur before the render then put them on ur moddel render it then do ur motion blur the wheels will look better and if u adjust the angle of the blur to become more of were the car is goin other than that top stuff
  18. tilly


    ermmmmmm yarmouth rookies not good?
  19. i hope better than a shoebox
  20. tilly


    Cheers rikard anything new coming from you??????
  21. tilly


    Nice lookin skin there m8
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