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Everything posted by tilly

  1. nice skin looks kool arena expo car init lool got a bit from everything there i think Tilly
  2. hello, well im goin to pay jolt but when do u want it and were can i send a cheque to ? many thanks Tilly
  3. just to let u no south have won north vs south cheers Tilly
  4. u can make things with 3ds max 7 but u need it to be exported out of 3 so just ask on here if any1 would do that for u cheers tilly
  5. not sure lol must not of uploaded ill try here
  6. i think u should rephrase that because i only used a modded car once got cought and stopped but now i have no modding stuff as i have had computer redone (thansk knobby and daddy knobby) and wont b gettin it as i think its boring to win well easy with modded cars thanks Tilly
  7. ill be there first time at standlake Tilly
  8. i **** me self then thought it would b somehthing like that then thought na probs just a joke lol proved me rong thanks tilly
  9. hello i saw the simese bangers at wimbledon and thought it wouldnt be to hard for a first moddle to learn with thanks to james for converting to .mod for me but i cant seem to get the wheelbase right it seems that that the back wheels will look good but the front wont is there a way i canget them both ok?
  10. who made the wimbledon track?
  11. i have forgot my password on the ukdirt site when i go to get it back i enter my nick name and it says it would email me my password.... but it dose`nt the page comes up with an error any help wanted thanks tilly
  12. Last year u made it in bangers so u can choose more wheels just wondering if it ould be made so there are more wheels to be chosen from ???? many thanks tilly
  13. condoms ready for nbl old skool teams
  14. Well i had max 4 before i got hold of max 3, and modelled the 280c, and done the damage in max 4 before i put it into the game with max 3. So the answer would probably be yes. One thing, if you use a newer version of max 3 (4 and above) and save a max file, you probably wont be able to open that max file in an older version, like max 3. Or maybe thats just my computer Cheers Dazza ok thanks for your help dazza much needed lol many thanks tilly
  15. after learning alot on max i was just wondering if i was to moddle a car in 3ds max7(i no u can not make cars for nascar heat mods in this)but some1 was to export it out of 3ds max 3 would it work or do u have to do it all in 3 many thanks tilly
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