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Everything posted by Dazza#289

  1. Ill have a try not promising anythink Spectacular though
  2. Changed it again Now ive fitted my suspension. Shes abit to low on the front tho and i have no adjust left
  3. Heres my Latest
  4. Nice Skin could off been a GT500 though
  5. Just finished my Under Here She is ill post my under & over in a zip once ive finished both
  6. ill do ya f2 then matey cheers for the pm
  7. If you Still want the f1 done PM me with what you want And illget it done a.s.a.p
  8. rodder whos doing the H540 Car then
  9. ill do it for you
  10. wheres the pic courty :S
  11. Allstar i use photoshop 8 so shld be fairly identical to yours. Right click on the retangle tool as thats what it should be when u first get photoshop and select line tool heres a screeny of mine hope it helps
  12. Nope Cldnt find a good enough pic of your car knobster. Just finished of this one its tiggys car from wimbo world
  13. Heres another one i done totally different formula this time. Thought one of these would look cool so had a try. And here's the result
  14. Just Done one of these was great fun gonna find some more pics n try some damaged ones Heres my first attempt. No where near the standards of marcys n courtys
  15. Okey Sorry mate ill Shh next time HaHa
  16. Nice skin just 1 thing. I Dont think u would be able to use this skin online in this league as the rules state. Cars that are based on / close to the real thing can not be raced. Unless by the driver thereself. Or mechanic. Sorry if you are either of this but thought id let you know
  17. Cheers to andy 675. got Them done on msn.
  18. Hi there i know its abit cheeky asking at this time. but Would anyone be able to do some quick renders of my 205 hot rod i want one of side, one of rear, and one of bonnet please. Wheel choice is yours. Cheers Dazza TGA below 205_rod_tga.zip
  19. Count me in aussie ive just signed up
  20. I have a decal Dunno if its anygood to you. Here ya go.... Anderson.zip
  21. Have you got a piccy ofit. If so post it up And i could try make sumthink out ofit Cheers
  22. Best of Luck Pants. Hope to see you With that ever glorious gold roof . Hope u have a good race. And best of all get out smiling
  23. Quality one courty
  24. Happy B-Day finners. Hope its a good'un
  25. I think its to do with ya comp specs tombo ill come round sum time and have a look for ya.
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