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Everything posted by Dazza#289

  1. Its Not Just Your Swearing We're on About Its your Constant Moaning And Bossing Him About Telling Him ' DO THIS DO THAT '... P.S At Marcy's Comment
  2. Just Spoke To Rodder On MSN. And These Are ALL Old Cars. None Of His New ones. Anyways Good Work Rodder. Well Appreciated For The Time & Effort Taken To Do These. Unlike Some
  3. HILLBILLYBOND. Stop Throwing your toys out Your Pram Over Some Skins. Rodder Spends Alot Of Time Doing Stuff For People And For Himself. And You Obviously Dont Realise The Time that Goes Into Things These Days, Either That Or You Just Dont Give 2 Flying F***S About Anyone But Yourself. Give The Man Some Time & The Way Your Keeping On I Doubt Your Gonna Get F**K All Anyways!
  4. Just Downloading Them Now. Cant Wait To Try These beasts. Follow in Time
  5. Beggers Cant Be Choosers
  6. Your Probably Right Trash, But Looking By The First Post Warg Put. All Them Downloads I THINK are From the Old TNB Site (www.tnbangers.cjb.net) Where As They Have A New'un Which Warg Probably Didnt Know About
  7. Lo All. Was Just Looking On The Joke Section Of A Old Skool Ford Site & Found This 1 Pretty Funny. Some Might Of heard it Before But Oh Well.. A man went into the pub for a drink and the most beautiful girl ever walked in gave him the eye came over and started chatting him up after a while the girl started to get suggestive and said to the man give me £30 and i will do anything as long as you can describe it in 3 words so the man reached for his wallet imidietly and counted out 3 crisp ten pound notes. looking very chuffed with herself the girl asked the man what his desires were and in 3 words exactly he said ''paint my house''
  8. Happy Hiccup Day Grasser.
  9. Well in that Case Just DECIDE to find Pics. Get Paintshop OR Photoshop & Make Em yourself.
  10. Not a Bad Attempt Swindy . Just A idea tho Maybe you Could of Made the Rear Pillars Wider And Rounder. And maybe a little reshape on the front. Even tho you use the original Model. i Think the Front Could of done with a bit of adjusting.. Dont take this harshly just my Opinion tho
  11. Very well said hack. i would have to agree with you on the whole thing people will say things about a skin that there simply not but i think with most people they dont want to get on the wrng side of someone because they think they may never finish a race again. All i can say is that if someone gets a bad comment doesnt like it and wants to nail you then there abitof a twat really. Rodder331. Both of those skins are great, Especially the Banger it does put a few f1's to shame. Your f1 is Nice aswell there are a few bits that could be improved. But no-one is 100% at skins. Hope im not insulting anyones skills here but whats wrong with the truth
  12. Good one Marty
  13. I can paint Both i still find f1's harder though Because imo if its not good i wont use it. But im getting there. I only have to look at pictures of f1's to get a rough idea of what i want. where as bangers i just make things up as i go along
  14. Its part of the westy model
  15. Dazza#289


    heres my latest of my tnb world final car and a car that cannard196 wanted rendered . Had to scale the hiab down as it is a tad large
  16. Dazza#289


    Not a bad try Calum. Few Problems ( dont take them harshly there just feedback ) 1)The scene Is a bit messed 2)The lighting is a bit on the bright side 3)The reflection is turned up way to much well so it looks to me Like i said please Dont Take these Seriously Its only feedback. If you need help Look at my profile and add me to your msn ill be more than pleased to help Oh and one more thing if you car was to get run in the crowed ( maybe a spelling mistake ) would surely have a scary veiw of things
  17. Many congrats to boxer. Are Lightning Rod engines the new way forward in banger racing then. the way boxer was going it sure seemed that way. Many congrats to boxer. Like munster said After Some bad news. It must have made it all worth while and given him that extra edge during the big race itself. Cheers Dazza289
  18. Pedz if never have fought of that
  19. WAHEY well done Davey. Whatch out all Davey coming to a bootlid near you. Just no Brisca Legends style Mate
  20. Dazza#289


    Not bad erik. Is it suppose to be at your track seing as you have tyre's as the wall
  21. haha Sorry bored Just thought id Post up a pic of this beast. My Dads looking for one at Moment But for what he wants to ive he'll be lucky to get a badge off one .
  22. Dans Local Track Is mildo Or Dover where they Run the Epic Super rods and banger stox . Tracks like that have never Seen stock rods/ hot rods etc Cause there dirt. But for the tracks that do Run Em i think there Rather Rated
  23. Mint could of been better signwriting tho
  24. Sorted On MSN People
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