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Everything posted by Dazza#289

  1. a and e are the best tosh epic tunes havent heard superstylin' in donkeys
  2. The site isnt correct m8 you are red i will change it on the site Ok Thanks
  3. Just wondering Aub as im not on here. Am i yellow as on the ukdirt site?
  4. just in case my booking didnt come through on ukdirt site as i only booked this morning Dazza#289 Please
  5. Looks nice iron needs some sidepods onit though .... I just think that f2's look to bare without sidepods on if you know what i mean.. Lookin Good tho. Hope to see it on track soon
  6. Anychance of A booking please aub Dazza#289 using a novice skin if there is one lol.. thanks
  7. My Latest W.i.P ( Cheers to demonstone for the checks ) I Will actually finish and be using on track as i payed my jolt fee but got fed up with painting skins for some weird reason but might aswell finish this off and actually use my jolt fee lol.. still a long way off yet just thought id post the work so far.. Comments and Criticism Welcome Excuse Pic quality just quickly pasted it into paint and saved as a jpg
  8. The City/Streets is ONE BIG Bike/Skate park and imo trials and bmx flatland/freestyle Are the Best the Balance and concentration needed is unreal
  9. Not mine to change the wheels on jb haha its me uncles he has a couple of his motorbikes in workshop/garage whatever you want to class it as lol
  10. Another New one of the Latest toy to me collection lol
  11. Yeh But your just hardcore
  12. Mine at mo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9v0f-GXABQ and this is a old tune great for bass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owKkSxGT8Ng... makes my road car sound like every nut and bolt is loose when bass kicks in woop woop
  13. My New One IEC rFactor Mod At Norisring
  14. Patience is A virtue
  15. Not exactly stox but heres my Dads Newest one lol 57 Chevy with a American Pin-up girl 4 & 1/4 hours and no where near finished yet still alot more shading to do an american diner to do in background and obviously colour
  16. My Fave 2... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J8q4cBSkTQ ( Has been for donkeys and i listened to it more since i lost my mum to cancer ) and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVQFTT_X86w ( Such a choooooon gets played alot in night clubs near me and always gets everyone raving lol )
  17. Dazza#289 Booking in please Aub
  18. Heres mine lol good fun tho
  19. Booking in.. Aub can i use 31 or will i have to use 289?
  20. And im Waiting for Arena Essex, Mildenhall, Aldershot, Easbourne etc etc If Your waiting for taunton and bristol to be done then grab yourself a copy of 3d max and D.I.Y!
  21. pmfsl hutch and wee dode thats what i thought when i joined the league but his improve since i raced with him in sim-stox lol but then im not exactly michael schumacher lol
  22. How you work that one out lol
  23. Update Of Marcus's car nearly there lol
  24. Start Of marcus's f2 for GB Sim Racing and My f1 for GB Sim Racing. Both still w.i.p's.. (the 31 on the wing is not perfect i know ive fixed it since then just cant be bothered to get a new screeny)
  25. Fiat... Fix It Another Time.. Fix It Again Tommorow.. Fart In A Tin.. For Idiots And To**ers Ford... Fixed Or Repaired Daily.. havent heard anymore for fords.. OR Ifits its old school fordS! like mk1 escorts capris etc... Found On Roundabouts Driving Sideways
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