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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by tommyd

  1. The template is the same as the F2 template, which comes with the base mod. The only difference being is that you paint the little wing and leave the big wing blank Found in this directory, rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\F2Stockcar\rF2 templates
  2. Sorry Lew, have amended the points and results
  3. W&Y: 760, 172, 199 Heat 1: 488, 112, 151, 495, 1, 641, 164, 954, 236, 131 Heat 2: 112, 495, 155, 115, 488, 1, 164, 221, 131, 760 Final: 236, 1, 164, 256, 112, 495, 151, 488, 221, 199 GN: 151, 155, 164, 1, 236*, 221, 495, 488, 641, 131 Points: 1 - 36 236 - 34 164 - 32 112 - 31 495 - 30 488 - 25 151 - 26 155 - 17 256 - 14 221 - 12 115 - 7 641 - 7 131 - 4 954 - 3 199 - 2 760 - 1 165 - 0 172 - 0 912 - 0 WD Dan, for winning the Final and Drumb topping the points
  4. tommyd

    Crimond MI

    Hello Lads, Here is the format for tonight, Heat 1: 199, 165, 760, 848, 221, 488, 641, 954, 155, 256, 550, 912, 112, 236 - Steward 151 Heat 2: 199, 172, 760, 131, 221, 495, 641, 115, 155, 164, 550, 151, 112, 1 - Steward 488 Heat 3: 165, 172, 848, 131, 488, 495, 954, 115, 164, 256, 912, 151, 236, 1 - Steward 112 Final - All In GN - All In Please be in chat fro 20:25
  5. Any Late Bookings/Cancelations in here till 7:30
  6. Here are the Results and Points, Results HT1: 912, 39, 365, 1, 112, 351, 221, 46, 233, 151 HT2: 912, 365, 233, 641, 151, 236, 112, 39, 1, 164 Final: 912, 365, 112, 18, 632, 236, 39, 46, 1, 151 GN: 39, 313, 46, 112, 18, 365, 1, 632, 164, 236 Points 365 - 40 912 - 40 112 - 33 39 - 30 18 - 20 1 - 17 46 - 17 236 - 16 632 - 15 233 - 10 151 - 9 313 - 9 221 - 4 641 - 7 351 - 5 164 - 3 380 - 0 495 - 0 760 - 0 115 - Messer 550 - Messer Congratulations to Kendo on winning both Heats and the Final and joint top scoring with Trav, Also Well Done to LeeK on winning the GN, Many Thanks All whom turned up to race last night, some good racing and hope to see you all next week for Sheffield for another WQR
  7. MI 313, 912, 221, 351, 641, 760, 46, 233, 315, 550, 112, 115, 164, 1 313, 18, 221, 365, 641, 39, 46, 236, 315, 380, 632, 112, 151, 164 912, 18, 351, 365, 760, 39, 233, 236, 380, 550, 632, 115, 151, 1
  8. Bookings Closed, MI up soon
  9. Late bookings or cancelations in here please
  10. Hi Lads, Here are the Results and Points, WD to All Winners and Dode for Top Scoring, HT1: 129, 172, 87, 151, 531, 46, 488, 954, 599, 164 HT2: 112, 760, 315, 1, 313, 164, 115, 46, 33, 129 HT3: 954, 531, 87, 315, 1, 39, 151, 112, 313, 221 Final: 488, 151, 112, 1, 87, 115, 954, 531, 365, 164 GN: 151, 954, 531, 39, 33, 112, 87, 599, 46, 1 151 - 39 112 - 34 87 - 32 954 - 30 531 - 29 1 - 28 488 - 24 315 - 15 115 - 14 39 - 12 129 - 11 46 - 10 172 - 9 760 - 9 33 - 8 164 - 8 313 - 8 599 - 5 365 - 4 221 - 1 31 - 0 94 - 0 165 - 0 199 - 0 236 - 0 256 - 0 912 - 0 I apologise about the number of cars in the Final and GN, this is being looked into this week. Cheers for racing and get booked in for next week at Buxton (Fog), we shall be using the updated version of Buxton which can be found on the UKDirt website, Many Thanks to Madcowie for updating it.
  11. tommyd

    Barford MI

    Welcome to Barford, We will be running 2/3rds format for the heats and they are as follows, HT1: 31, 165, 760, 954, 94, 172, 129, 221, 115, 151, 236, 256, 488, 531, 46, 87, 164, 599 - Steward 1 Ht2: 31, 199, 760, 33, 94, 912, 129, 39, 115, 315, 236, 365, 488, 1, 46, 112, 164, 313 - Steward 151 HT3: 165, 199, 954, 33, 172, 912, 221, 39, 151, 315, 256, 365, 531, 1, 87, 112, 599, 313 - Steward 488 Final: All-In GN: All-In
  12. Can everybody post in here if they want to race tonight as I do not have a list available to me atm off whom was booked before the site went down, Cheers, Tom
  13. Hi All, Great to see all of you racing, hope the numbers continue, Well Done to all the winners and Lee for top scoring, Here are the Results and Points, Results W&Y: 912, 172, 760, 131, 473, 496, 599, 94, 31, 199 Heat 1: 188, 115, 112, 18, 39, 221, 46, 496, 473, 912 Heat 2: 1, 172, 164, 256, 94, 599, 495, 131, 31, 129 Heat 3: 188, 164, 473, 39, 256, 112, 599, 151, 495, 221 Heat 4: 318, 531, 18, 1, 87, 760, 172, 236, 365, 94 Heat 5: 318, 531, 131, 87, 236, 365, 199, 315, 151, 129 Consolation: 315, 496, 151, 46, 760, 33, 495, 94, 129, 31 Final: 115, 315, 131, 151, 531, 172, 18, 1, 236, 94 GN1: 315, 318, 1, 164, 151, 236, 46, 94, 131, *115* GN2: 256, 18, 112, 531, 188, 760, 39, 33, 496, 473 Points: 531 - 37 18 - 34 1 - 31 115 - 31 315 - 31 131 - 29 318 - 29 188 - 26 151 - 25 164 - 24 112 - 23 172 - 23 256 - 23 236 - 18 39 - 17 87 - 13 94 - 12 473 - 11 760 - 10 599 - 9 46 - 8 365 - 7 221 - 6 495 - 6 496 - 5 199 - 4 33 - 3 129 - 2 31 - 2 912 - 1 Hope to see all off you next week for Birmingham
  14. Hi Lads, We will start with a W&Y race then, Heat 1: 88, 473 / 2, 496, 912 / 18, 115, 221, 835 / 39, 188 / 87, 112 - Server Steward 151 Heat 2: 760 / 94, 131, 172, 599/ 29, 33, 495, 774 / 256, 315 / 1, 46 - Server Steward 236 Heat 3: 31, 199, 760 / 2, 94, 172 / 18, 115, 318, 835 / 236, 365 / 1, 531 - Server Steward H87 Heat 4: 88, 54, 473 / 496, 599 / 33, 221, 495 / 39, 188, 256 / 46, 112 - Steward 112 Heat 5: 54, 199 / 131, 912 / 29, 318, 774 / 236, 365, 315 / 87, 531 - Steward 1 Consolation to follow, Then Final and possibly B Final 16 through to Final and Top 8 from Consolation 2 GN Races Aswell, will decide with number left before the Final
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