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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by tommyd

  1. Palmerston North Panthers: TomD - DanSkin - TBC - TBC
  2. Tom 84GB Please
  3. Tom 84GB Please
  4. Tom 84GB Please
  5. Update: Great British Lions: Hooty - Grasser - Drumbstick - James/Dodge560
  6. Booking In: Great British Lions: Captain Hootles - Sir Grasser - Lord Bumstick - TBC I, Hooty, Grasser or Drumbstick will confirm the 4 member of this team tomorrow!
  7. Update: Palmerston North Panthers: Trav - TomD - Danskin - LeeK
  8. Palmerston North Panthers: Trav - TomD - TBC - TBC Booking In Please, Will confirm the other 2 members over the weekend!
  9. Tom 84GB Please
  10. Higgins 229 booking in
  11. Well Done to Spiro for Winning a Heat and the Final and also Top Scoring, Congratulations also to Green and Danskin for also Winning a Heat and James for Winning the 2nd Shootout Round. HT 1: 921, 131, 774, 31, 46, 249, 164, 112, 560, 205 HT 2: 115, 315, 131, 774, 237, 41, 220, 249, 205, 39 HT 3: 236, 921, 115, 277, 112, 560, 365, 46, 164, 315 Final: 921, 236, 115, 41, 46, 31, 112, 220, 315, 560 Shootout Round 2: 560, 31, 277, 249, 236, 237, 115, 164, 774, 315 Points: 921 - 39 115 - 38 236 - 34 31 - 26 46 - 21 41 - 19 560 - 19 112 - 17 131 - 17 774 - 17 249 - 15 277 - 15 315 - 15 237 - 11 220 - 10 164 - 9 365 - 4 205 - 3 39 - 1 229 - 0 641 - 0 718 - 0 835 - 0 954 - 0 Thanks to All who raced, Hope to see you all next week for the World of Shale Final at Belle Vue!
  12. Heat 1: 205, 229, 237, 921, 31, 131, 277, 641, 954, 46, 164, 249, 560, 774, 41, 112 Heat 2: 205, 237, 718, 220, 31, 131, 365, 641, 835, 39, 115, 249, 315, 774, 41, 236 Heat 3: 229, 718, 220, 921, 277, 365, 835, 954, 39, 46, 115, 164, 315, 560, 112, 236 Thanks to Danskin for the MI
  13. Any late bookings or cancellations for the last qualifying round for the Central Series In here till 7.30 Please
  14. Well Done to Gary 131 for Winning a Heat and the Final and also Top Scoring. W+Y: 760,131, 515, 220, 718, 237 HT 1: 131, 164, 835, 237, 41, 112, 954, 560, 365, 277 HT 2: 277, 131, 315, 31, 774, 41, 115, 641, 835, 249 HT 3: 39, 31, 249, 112, 236, 954, 774, 515, 220, 641 Final: 131, 641, 115, 236, 164, 835, 515, 249, 229, 41 Shootout Round 1: 277, 315, 41, 560, 115, 164, 39, 641, 237, 112 Points: 131 - 39 115 - 26 164 - 26 641 - 25 41 - 21 277 - 21 236 - 20 835 - 20 315 - 17 31 - 16 249 - 15 39 - 14 112 - 13 515 - 11 560 - 10 774 - 10 237 - 9 954 - 9 229 - 4 220 - 2 365 - 2 718 - 0 760 - 0 921 - No Show Thanks All who raced, Hope to see you all next week at Hednesford! Also Thanks to Hooty for Stewarding
  15. W+Y HT 1: 229, 237, 131, 220, 760, 921, 277, 365, 835, 954, 115, 164, 315, 560, 41, 112, HT 2: 229, 718, 131, 515, 760, 31, 277, 641, 835, 39, 115, 249, 315, 774, 41, 236, HT 3: 237, 718, 220, 515, 921, 31, 365, 641, 954, 39, 164, 249, 560, 774, 112, 236, Final Shootout Round 1
  16. Bookings Closed, 164 and 229 Added
  17. Any Late Bookings or Cancellations in here till 7.30PM Please
  18. Hi All, Thanks to all that raced at this tight and tricky track. The racing was very good considering the track shape, Here are the results and points, Heat 1: 1, 774, 236, 112, 365, D30, 31, 46, 2, 220, 199, 237, 39, 954 Heat 2: 112, 774, 39, D30, 236, 46, 954, 2, 220, 199, 1, 31, 237, 365 Heat 3: D30, 39, 774, 31, 112, 46, 2, 236, 954, 199, 365, 220, 1, 237 Final: 112, 1, 39, D30, 365, 46, 774, 199, 954, 31, 236, 237, 220, 2 GN: 39, 1, 236, 46, 220, 112*, 365, 774, D30, 199, 31, 237, 954 Points: 112 - 53 39 - 43 D30 - 38 1 - 37 774 - 37 46 - 30 236 - 25 365 - 22 31 - 13 954 - 10 2 - 9 199 - 9 220 - 9 237 - 0 I hope to see you all next week for the World Championship at Norfolk Arena, Kings Lynn! Where Drumbstick , Will be defending his title, Will he be able to retain it ? Find out next week. A preview will be up in the next few days for the World Final.
  19. All In 3 Heats Final GN Be in chat for 8.25PM
  20. Bookings Closed, MI up in a min
  21. Any late bookings or cancellations in here till 7.30PM
  22. 112, SS, Please
  23. Yes it is
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