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Everything posted by chops660

  1. Janusz Kulig Sweden 2003 (flywheel)
  2. jim wallace??
  3. I cant complain about BT. I have no probs connecting at any time, and they upgrade you for free when your line can take it. Also a 0800 phone number if any probs.
  4. I think you'd be better with a four wheeled bike then.....
  5. Was just r-sing about with the camera, had it for about two years, and decided to read the book. so was taking some photos in the dark without the flash
  6. Turbo derv Pt cruiser and merc A class for work....
  7. volvo b58 1982 good engine thd 100 (270bhp) 2 brand new volvo rear leaf springs and bushes all other parts available at the mo, be quick because the gas axe is comming out soon.
  8. only out the german built cars seemingly, hard to find... the other diffs should be a 3.3 i think.
  9. Add me please aussie / chops 660
  10. We were along for a look at that one, it would need a fair bit of work done though.
  11. Not looking for a race winning car. just somthing half decent.
  12. Anyone know of any mini stox for sale? For a mates son, first car so nothing to expensive round about £800 ish. And on the button, ready to go. thanks chops Am also looking for 3:1 sierra diffs, out of 2.3 diesels.
  13. i'll be there, helping saloon 277, or in the bar....
  14. My deepest thoughts to all his family Neil Chops
  15. Happt birthday you old (swear word)
  16. Correct!!! There isnt a 100% proven method as to just how many coats of softener applied to tyres results in a certain reading, we've had readings near the minimum of 40 on the durometer when drivers have said they've used 3 coats, and readings in the high 40's/low 50's when they claim less coats have been used.. During tests throughout the season we've found a brand new slick with no softener applied at all reads around the 60/62 mark and a decent starting point we've found to be generally correct for a tyre treated with softener BEFORE racing is around about the 50-54 mark as in most instances during a normal race of 15-20 laps the reading tends to drop down to around about the mid 40's which is fine. One thing to bear in mind though is if a reading of say, 44 is found after a heat of 15 laps you have to then take into account the final being slightly more laps, which equates to more heat going into the tyres and also consider the weather conditions, may sound silly but racing over a weekend in most cases has the Sunday temperatures higher due to it being run during daylight,doesnt sound much but could well make a difference Dunno if you'll be online to read this before you set off to Cowdie today Chops, but if not I'll catch up with ya tonight (Dunno why I typed that as IF indeed you are away you wont know LOL) Andymek. I'll be helping 277 most weeks..
  17. 20] Tyre softener is not recommended. All tyres when checked at any time must not have a durometer reading below 40 as this will lead to instant exclusion from the results and possible Board of Control action. I take it from this the more softner the less the reading?
  18. no no, just helping steck.
  19. Anyone know what percentage you are allowed for a saloon stock?
  20. quality vid here
  21. everyone on the track hit me at some point i think... apart from 226 davy gunn who hit me just about every lap i sat there... nowa days you would be lucky to be sat there for a lap before the yellows came oot.....
  22. ouch! I'd forgot about that....lol.... i can still feel me ribs yet!
  23. I changed from wanadoo to bt, cant complain about either. Only thing is with Bt they upgraded the line for free. where as wanadoo charged me £30. I have also done a fare share of online gaming etc, and never reached the limit, on (package 2). Bt will not shut you of or charge you, but will email you to let you know you have gone over the limit, and only charge you if you consistantly go over it, so im led to believe.
  24. Thats the most sensible thing you've said on here Thats the most sensible thing you've said on here coming from you erik ???????????? well said sash and tombo Is this better, sort of takes the fun out of the pic! but once you young guys start shaving and maybe have a girlfreind or two, then one day eventually god forbid you have kids, and changed a few sh**ty nappies, you may relise ITS AN ARSE!
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