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Everything posted by chops660

  1. You should be able to get it done for around £40-£50 if you shop around. There are quite a few mobile guys out there. Cheers willie, i think super Al was going to drop some of my business cards in to you and pete. cheers chops
  2. Also tell me what engine is in it and i can send you a wiring diagram...
  3. under the bonnet ... sounds although it could be electrical. im pretty sure the light would still light up even though it was short on gas, but not 100% without being able to stick the gauges on it. the recycle button will just be moving flaps about etc, to recycle the air in the car, thats the noises you will hear. the aircon should work with this on or off. The compressor is number 1 in the pic, you will see two pipes coming out of it. (not the power steering pump!!!) but by what you are saying i can asume that the center will not be turning. You can spike the compressor with a positive source to see if it will clutch in. cheers chops
  4. Good luck in NZ mate.... all the best.... chops
  5. happy birthday big aine...
  6. when you say the motor kicks in do you mean the fan in the car? or can you hear the compressor kick in? you should hear a slight change in engine noise also when it kicks in. the compressor wont kick in if its to low on gas, or the gap between the magnetic clutch has become to big. but i would think the light would still light up, it maybe the switch.... without being there to test it there isnt much i can really do... have a look at the compressor while the engine is running and the aircon on, and look to see if the centre of the pulley is spinning..? Vivadave, sounds like you want re-gassing Is this the air-con discussion thread then? good idea....
  7. hope so to... failing that i can always knock the windows out and have a go with the merc, It handles like a wheelie bin, but its already sign written...
  8. my new business venture and vehicle. remember and give me a toot if you see me... and give me a shout if you need yer aircon done.... (in scotland) lol unless am at a meeting south of the border of course....
  9. heres one of cod.....
  10. cool jack.... with 5 spokes....
  11. seems fine now, sorted its self out... thanks
  12. im having probs with my out look express email at the mo, i get this error- The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'mail.btinternet.com', Server: 'mail.btinternet.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E. any ideas? the only thing that has been done recently was a real player update.?? thanks chops
  13. i have emailed 161 today, waiting reply. cheers. wheres the 684 car at?
  14. just had a quick search, could i do it...lmao
  15. Could you plz plz plz repanel it in old Stock Body style like yer last Saloon?? I reckon an 'Orr Thomson' #47 style would be quality can i wreck it first then repanel it...lmao... depends on the car. A Fiat Topolina (Spelling !?) body with entry into cab through the roof ...... may not be legal in today's world but certainly made for a different look. MMmmm.... good idea... I better get searching...
  16. Yip seen that one on ebay the other day. cheers. I am thinking of spending more, dont want to be to far of the pace....
  17. cheers guys, i have been searching the sites, but there is so many now 'a' days that its hard to keep up with them all...
  18. Decent car, resonable price...lol Just thought i might give the other direction a go before i get any older...
  19. Anyone know of a decent f2 for sale or coming up for sale in the near future?? cheers
  20. where do i find the ukdirt icon ...??? its not in the list of icons?
  21. is there a way of keeping the desk top icons on the desk top? if i create a shortcut, the icon appears, then if i switch the pc of and back on again it just comes up with a web page icon... not that its a big problem, just wondered if there was a way of keeping them?
  22. Happy birthday willie....
  23. looking good m8 dont have much of a clue about mapping etc, myself..
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