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Posts posted by wrighty496

  1. Doe anyone know how to get MKTex to work on Vista Home? Each time I try to run it, the MSDOS window opens and then disappears like a flash!


    hi m8,

    dont forget you have to have the mktex file in the same folder as the tga. (Although this wasnt on vista) i always had to do the following:


    open the dos window, then type cd<space>(paste in your target folder address from the top bar in the folder window) so the prompt changes to your target folder name, then type mktex<space>car105.tga<space>car105.tex


    i think.....its been a while lol

  2. What a load of FILTERED - the Facebook Group guide to Political Economy.


    100 Years ago the population of the Britain was about 50% what it is now, the tax payer base probably about 25% as mum stayed at home not working (or having the vote) and a substantial amount of the population were essentially still peasants living on the whim of the landowner.


    Average wages were about £2 per week - £104 a year (compared to £23000 pa now) - do the maths and the scale of the cash coming in to government can be calculated.


    Kids worked down pits and cleaning chimneys and there was no NHS, schools, national police or fire service, old age pension, winter fuel relief, child benefits, unemployment benefit or income support - if you couldn't pay your way you went to the poor house.


    The government is still the biggest employer in the country, so a lot of the taxes we pay simply gets redistributed to teachers, doctors, firemen, coppers, bin men, DSS staff trying to deal with the lazy chavs who scrounge dole and rob the rest of us. (But at least they pay back some tax on their Lambert & Butlers, and White Lightning)


    I am not defending the shower that are in government now, or the ones that were in before them, right back to the fuckwits who had millions of British soldiers climbing out of trenches and walking to their deaths across no man's land in WW1. 2 World Wars (and one World Cup), a Great Depression, austerity in the 50s, the swinging 60s, the recession of the 70s, 80s and 90s housing boom, and the out of control growth of credit, (money that doesn't exist) got us here, all contributing in stages.


    What do suggest we do anyway? Vote for David Cameron? become anarchists? throw out all the foreigners? cut and past half arsed nonsense on a forum?


    as ever, just awesome :appl:

  3. Hi there, i have trojans in my laptop and i am not sure how to get rid of them?

    The trojan name is TrojanHorseSHeur2.CFKX according to avg free edition but it cant remove them.

    Can i get a free bit of kit that will remove the pesky little blighter?

    Many thanks



    i've had a quick look about via google and, while i can't find a tool to remove it directly, most of the advice seems to be just to reboot your pc in safe mode and then run through a full virus scan after you've removed internet history, temp files and cookies. You'll need a decent working knowledge of the pc however, as there's some registry cleanup to do which always requires care to ensure you don't remove anything that Windows relies on (you'll need HijackThis and/or CCleaner for this).


    This thread details a successful removal of Sheur2


    ......and be careful where you're browsing in future ;)


    The main thing is to work in safe mode while you're doing all this, to ensure the dodgy exe (Gadmon is it?) isn't running, otherwise it replicates itself elsewhere in the system as soon as you remove it. This does look like a nasty one so be warned, you need a decent working knowledge of how to do things like registry edits......if you don't have this, find someone who does


    Good luck......wrighty

  4. Trawl through posts that were made years ago on older pcs out of date graphics ye mean wrighty lol


    We're not all on laptops lado




    (and as far as i can remember it wasn't the rim with the slots around the rim edge)

  5. Some how i doubt wheels would be that high poly they would choke the servers lol


    its a pity the racesimcentral forum's expired.....i could have a trawl through there for the details on recommended lod sizes......or that post that says 'if in doubt, Hutch knows best' ;)

  6. can anyone help me as im lookin for a set of crx rims as per pic for my 2010 tar car when it's finished :scared15:


    we (well, Hooty actually) had a good go at modelling them for the beta m8, it was pretty impossible to get the detail and the shapes and keep the poly count for the wheel within an acceptable level (for reference, the wheels are LOD'd in the same way that the cars are, to balance the close detail we can show in rf with the requirement for a couple of dozen cars on track simultaneously so the basic limit we work to is 1000 polys per wheel in highest detail level....i've got a couple of new wheels that i was working on that may make it into the mod but even 1000 polys is a tight limit, bearing in mind that that includes the full tyre and rim back, rim material 'thickness' etc. Hooty tried long and hard to make those wheels, believe me m8 (i'm talking days here, not hours) and we couldn't get down to our required limits.....sorry but they're a :3:

  7. lmao skeet did u try to make your own wireless controller :beta:


    steering wheel on a granny tray ......u wish a brew and a biscuit with your wheel :coffee:


    Never mind that.....the arrangement of pot pourri and candles on the table in the first pic.....is that some kind of John Macdonald shrine? :blink:

  8. The UI.res isn't there - well the file is there but it doesn't work. Just copy across the one from the Banger mod and it will work fine :thumbup:


    the best way to do it (although copying in works fine) is to copy the ui.res from an existing mod into the 'run' folder before install. When the mod installs thats where it looks for the ui.res to copy from, so add a ui.res into run and you'll have the mod install as the makers intended :)


    ......and its nice to see you around again Chris :) Merry xmas m8y.

  9. Bit of a long shot, but wondered if anyone has got the old Stock Rod Nova Template and car files on their PCs? I lost my hard drive some time ago and lost it. I need something to design my new race car for next season on, and thought this is the easiest way.


    Going to give RFactor a try in new year....so maybe see you on track again soon!


    Chris Pye


    MAG!! :D


    If you're looking to try rfactor but can't find the stockrod files for heat, there is this Corsa mod for rfactor, so you'd be able to at least paint the car and check it out on the spinner :thumbs_up:



    (but get rfactor m8......and try the rods when we re-release em.....:D )



  10. .....i reckon it also depends on the track for the different wear on the tyres i felt the tyre wear worse at some tracks were alot more than others and i was on default setup all night with no adjustments


    well spotted.....we're now discovering with the f2 tyre and physics testing how much the tracks do vary in terms of not just the overall grip level but also a parameter called 'resistance'....you can have a high grip track with low resistance (basically, resistance is the friction as opposed to the grip.....i think) and the tyres behave entirely differently from a low grip/high resistance track would. That's one of the biggest problems with trying to develop the physics to suit existing tracks that have been made by different groups who have their own standards, methods of testing, checking, laptime-matching etc etc....there's no 'right answer' for track physics and therefore modifying cars to suit is always a moving target, whereby cars can feel spot on at one track and bloody awful at the next one.


    Completely off-topic but not, i suppose :)

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