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jack 360

UKDirt Members
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Everything posted by jack 360

  1. now all you need is a render of the cars on the way home trashed lol
  2. Ringwood has been started by someone mate, but will take a longggggg time to get finished
  3. corrrrr thats nice mate! top job
  4. only just seen ernies skin of me..............its bloomin pukka lol great job rodder on model on ernie on skin
  5. ill speak to you next time your on msn nick
  6. can you see the speed lines coming off the car, that jack-tech under the hood is pretty dam good especially for nothing :-P lool
  7. jack 360


    corrr nice engine tilly
  8. nice skin mate, an equally good render aswell
  9. woow great desktop dave !!! nice and empty and blank
  10. press shift+H and change the wheels round mate.
  11. www.tnbangers.cjb.net download the updates on the downloads page all the new or odd cars are in there.
  12. here you are mate. westy_n_mk3.zip
  13. off of www.wurzle.co.uk.
  14. granada limo. car450.zip
  15. done this ages ago the the greatest skin in the world but its ok. drivers text and tex file in the zip. car451.zip
  16. theres one on here mate. http://www.propersmashed.co.uk/
  17. nice hit shame hes not that entertaining every week!
  18. got the same problem mate no one knows how to fix it though shame
  19. there is nothing left mate there hasnt been for over 10 years now shame but all good things come to an end!
  20. nice skin mate!
  21. Dont beat your kids was the funiest one, in a close 2nd was "enough to make a cat laugh!" true legend will be missed by everyone.
  22. there is a dodge mate not a charger didnt say a charger just a dodge :-P
  23. there is a dodge mate
  24. looll
  25. ash ill lend you the disc at fleet sunday
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