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About ALi P

  • Birthday 04/06/1958

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  1. Hi I will use skins from previous year please.. ALi P 65
  2. Ironmac....! be good to see you back.. ALi P
  3. ALi P 65, same as last years pls
  4. Jack.. computer connection probs all night so far.. going to have to relucantly withdraw sorry for short notice
  5. Hi ALi P (65) 490 302 306 yellow
  6. Well Done Ali and Kane. Cheers Southy and others for messages.. ALi P
  7. Very apt this thread.. think I only won one Heat F1 final and have just won my very first Rfactor F1 feature final at the grand age of 54 and a bit!! Does that make me the oldest racer.. ruddy ell.. got to say though still enjoying it ..again.. ALi P
  8. ALi P 65 booking please
  9. Enjoyed Thursday and my current spasmodic racing outing, which incidentally is more to do with Football being moved to Thursday nights in the summer than any mis conceived attempt to play the grade game! Hence will probably be Sept time when I can hopefully get behind the wheel on a Thursday again.. cya soon
  10. ALi P 65 please
  11. ALI P 65 please
  12. The GN was magic too - had a brilliant battle with Mav in the last few laps, which Ricky decided to join. And my biggest points haul from a race this season. Check the replay BA it was like all our yesterdays back there!! BTW really enjoying racing again... amazing what a decent "mac" a 27" screen and a decent wheel can do.. and of course a set up that I dont do justice to.. what a great buzz again.. cheers all
  13. ALi P 65 please
  14. ALi P

    Belle Vue

    cheers am i ok for a late booking..
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