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Posts posted by TRAV365

  1. not the biggest rod fan but got to agree that the top pic looks the dogs dangles and is my new desktop pic thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif


    you should do some of them with f2s m8 hint hint lol

  2. dont be put off mav crashes as big as that are very rare just bad look all around


    yep daz normally hires the pink one out that he used yesterday i think the only reason mark kiff 650 was out in the silver car was because he had engine probs with his own car and as kitson had the silver one guess they came to a deal which could be a costly one now

  3. was one hell of a crash 650 was parked towards end of home straight 732 came out the bend with 152 right on his back bumper 732 saw the car swerved to the left but sworder would not of seen the parked car and hit it flat out and pushed car nearly onto the center green god knows how but mick was out of his car as quick as a flash straight over to mark kiff and after about a min he was out to and shaking hands with sworder very nast crash and lets hope both of them are ok the cars look at lot worse then the pics show but at least mick and mark walked away

  4. spike on holiday at the moment


    im going to have to have a word with brian or is it   briand  rolleyes.gif about you you message it makes hardly any sense this is not a mobile phone with a txt service try using good old english words lol


    and yes i do no shaddy we started racing about the same time as each other around 1993 the only thing is he became good i carried on being pants thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif

  5. gr8 chops and trav, but trav where did them pics come from shrug.gif


    when will we see pyrdie on tour   band.gif



    lol i wonder where they came form lol top pics from the f2 PEDZ thumbup.gif 


    lol yeh prydie certainly entertains thats for sure love or hate the guy you got to laugh id never have had the balls to get up and strip on stage even total drunk thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif


    and here are the other 2 pics pedz toke that night prydie and ex f2 world champ daz kitson   scared15.gif

  6. wd cabs some great drives today in a borrowed engine that has sat on a farm for nearly 6 years only being used for a few meets thumbup.gif  thumbup.gif


    1st mark "mr cream" moon (cabs) = 108pts

    2nd martin "hitler" russell (mart) =60pts

    3d patrick " the green godess"  Tersteeg (pacman)=50 pts


    wd lads keep it up     


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