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Everything posted by TRAV365

  1. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ok WD Tom great result lol i bet someones gutted that you won though
  2. book me in for wed and thurs please. i may miss the start off the meeting on weds but hope to be there in time for the cons semi as ive managed to get off work half hour early lol
  3. Cancel me please m8 cant be arsed
  4. lol not sure about raved to it but i defo would of done some speed skating to it on disco nights down at the ice rink lots of good stuff back then this was always used when the public wearing spakie booters had to leave the ice and just leave us that owend our own skates on lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqyNj-eO-mQ&feature=av2n and this was popular at the time
  5. lol thats a new one ah well ill soon play the grades back down to yellow
  6. how do you work out the grades i knew i was not going to stay white but blue??? spike and spike jnr have far more points than me and stay yellow spike has a better average than me so cant be that?????????
  7. lol nice write up but please get your facts right yes i pulled off while leading at Sheffield and bradford but i never pulled off at Wimbledon Madcowie got the lead from me and i droped myself down to 9th so i did finish lol
  8. when i went in the servers earlier simstox and ukdirt were running differnat versions i take it we are using the ukdirt server tonight??
  9. just had a quick go the track looks pretty much spot on but i think its to narrow on the straights and the bends could of been a tad deeper
  10. where is tauton ive been to TAUNTON many times though
  11. Not at all i do it for the p,iss take Big al and have had plenty of laughs this week knowing its pissing peps off so all good here :-))))))))))
  12. Why is it weird do you watch much real life racing if you have im sure you would of seen a driver throw a final win. I can remember being at swaffam and watching the f2 final with 553 leading but with 2 to go he slowed down to let 324 past who then also slowed down and 154 ended up winning it.it was the 2nd week in a row that 553 had thrown a final as he did the same at birmingham lots of drivers have played the system to get downgraded in f1 and f2 over the years in real life. I could spend all day saying your undergraded at Blue as your always one of the quickest maybe thats it your just a sad grade player to hahaha any way good to see you having a good old bite matthew and admin made my week
  13. lol yeh ever one races for diff reason i realised a long time ago im only average at this online racing ive never been good enough to keep blue so there for play the grades to my advantage and always will. looks like ive made them bring in a new rule though if you ever win the final you can never go white and fair play thats feck a few others up to hey dave lol soz son. anyway get over it Matthew and move on plenty have won finals where ive pulled off over the years haha
  14. lol because im the master at playing the grades. i spent 15 meetings scoring crap points and with such a low average its hard for admin not to drop me infact they refused for one month. now im white there rules state if you score 30 points you go to yellow which i have not 28 bargin :-). ive never kept a secret of the fact thats what i do and have done it for most of my 10 years of ukdirt and love the fact it winds others up hahaha. and matthew dont feel to hard done by i did the same at sheffield a few weeks back led to last lap and pulled off
  15. superb news :-) ive just gone back to doing the loons on simstox now i can do then here to great stuff good work to those involved
  16. top pics ta Tosh new desltop pic here to lol
  17. dont see what the problem is if you run legal then theres nothing to worry about plain and simple if your running ilegal then tuff its your own fault
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